Chapter 1

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2nd May 1998
* Hermione's POV*

Finally! Voldemort is FINALLY gone. Harry finally saved us all. We can actually live our lives in peace now. My happiness is quickly cut short realizing that we're surrounded by bodies of our loved ones. When looking around I noticed two heads of blonde hair on the other side of what's left of the great hall.

Is that Draco and Narcissa Malfoy surrounding the body of Lucius Malfoy?! I can't help but wonder who took him out. My thoughts are interupted by redheaded companion Ginny Weasley with a look of grief and sorrow scattered across her face. "H-he's g-gone!"she stutters as tears roll down her freckled face. She then drags me to the other side of great hall where I see the Weasley clan ( Harry  included) surrounding the body of Fred Weasley.I feel a tear gently stroll down my cheek. We silently mourn the loss of our dear brother,son and friend.

*Two months later*

I was watching Ginny, Harry,Ron and George play a game of Quidditch when Mrs Weasley came out with four Hogwarts letters in her hands.

Dear Ms Granger
I am delighted to inform you that Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry has been re built and all previous 7th years have been invited to redo their 7th year with this year's 7th years. It is of great pleasure to inform you that you have been selected to be this year's Head Girl. The female house prefects are:Ms Ginevra Weasley (Gryffindor),Ms Pansy Parkinson (Slytherin),Ms Luna Lovegood(Ravenclaw) and Ms Hannah Abbott (Hufflepuff). Your Head Girl badge is in the envelope and we hope to see you soon

Yours truly
Headmistress McGonagall

Me and Ginny squeal in delight and excitement. But then we are curious as to who is the Head Boy.

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