Chapter 7

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*Diana's POV*
*The next day*
I had owled Harry and Ron yesterday asking if they would like to meet me and Brianna at the three broomsticks today which they happily agreed to. Plus they couldn't wait to see what we look like.I had just taken a shower and put on a white corset top with red leaves on it and a pair of white shorts.I put on my white flats. I tie my hair in a messy bun but with a few strands still framing my face

 I tie my hair in a messy bun but with a few strands still framing my face

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I go to the dining room and find Mum and Draco already sitting at table

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I go to the dining room and find Mum and Draco already sitting at table. "Good morning" I say taking my usual seat on the right hand side of Mum. "Morning sweetheart. How was your afternoon with Draco's friends?"she says before taking a bite from her toast. "Really good actually. Got along with everyone so well especially Pansy."I say pouring milk onto my cereal."That's because you two have so much in common it's kind of scary."Draco says after taking a bite from his pancakes."Like what?"I ask."First of all you're both chasers in the quidditch teams, Half of Hogwarts fears you two and the other half admires and both have an obsession with that muggle fashion brand is it channel I think?"he states. "It's Chanel."I correct him.

*Brianna's POV*
I get ready to meet Harry, Ron and Diana at the Three Broomsticks. I wear a black spaghetti strap mini dress with a slit and black flats

 I wear a black spaghetti strap mini dress with a slit and black flats

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I let my wavy hair fall to my back. I go downstairs for breakfast with Blaise and Mom. We chat happily and it's time for me to go. I floo to Malfoy Manor so that Diana and we can arrive at the same time. I see Diana in the foyer reading one of her favourite books:Quidditch through the ages. She notices me and engulfs me in a hug. We floo to Hogsmeade.We arrive at the Three Broomsticks and find Harry and Ron sitting in a booth at the corner. We head over to there and sit next to them. "Hey" says Diana after a moment of silence. "Hey how've you two been."Harry said awkwardly."Good, what about you?"we reply matching his awkwardness."Also good"he replies."You've been awfully quiet Ron."I say."Sorry I'm just not over you two's appearances."he says shaking his head."Can't get over it myself."Diana says with a slight chuckle."So how's it like being the sister of Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini."asks Ron."Really good shockingly. Behind the facade he put on all those years he's actually a nice guy."Diana says with a small smile. "What about you?"he asks me. "Also great plus I've always wanted a sibling."I say smiling. We spend the next half an hour chatting happily"You mean to tell me that Luna is a Parkinson, Neville is a Nott and Hannah is a Greengrass."Ron exclaims with his eyebrows nearly reaching his hairline. I simply nod my head. After an hour of laughing and chatting we go our separate ways.

*Diana's POV*
After I left the Three Broomsticks I made a quick stop to Honeydukes.I bought a bunch of chocolate frogs and chocolate cauldrons. I also bought a few sugar quills for Draco since it's his favourite. I apparated to Malfoy Manor. I found Draco sitting on a sofa in the foyer reading a potions book."Hey"I say."Hey, whatcha got there?"he says pointing at the bag from Honeydukes."Just some chocolates oh and I also got you some sugar quills"I say handing him a box with sugar quills."Thanks, and Pansy sent you a letter about ten minutes ago. It's right over there."he said pointing to a small round table by the fireplace. I open the letter and silently read to myself

Dear Diana

I would like to invite you to an all girls sleepover at Parkinson Manor tonight. The Greengrass sisters and Brianna will be there. Me and Phoebe would love to have you there

Pansy Parkinson

I pick up a quill and parchment and write

Dear Pansy

I would love to be there I will arriving at six in the evening.
See you soon

Diana Malfoy

I attach the letter on the the family owl's, Albert, leg and he flew away to deliver the message to Pansy.I went to my room to pack some stuff for the night . When 18:00 arrived I flooed to Parkinson Manor

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