Chapter 19

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The next day

*Brianna's POV*

I had woken up the next day with a splitting headache. Luckily when I sat up I saw a vial with a golden potion which I recognized to be pepper up potion. I drowned down the bitter potion before getting out of bed and head towards my bathroom.

After I took a shower I changed into my Gryffindor robes and put on my scarlet and gold Head girl badge. I had about thirty minutes before breakfast so I grabbed my book bag and left my room.

The portrait flung open and allowed me to walk down the stairs that led to the common room. When I got there a few of my friends were sleeping scattered across the room. Scarlett had slept cuddled up to Ron on the grey loveseat.

Pansy had fallen asleep right at the bottom of the stairwell. I guess she didn't make it all the way to her dorm. Theo was sleeping on the floor in front of the fireplace.

Amelia snoozed away on the couch opposite the loveseat that Ron and Scarlett had occupied.

Diana for some apparent reason was sleeping on her stomach on top of the coffee table, her limbs were dangling off the table and I could hear her shallow breathing.

I used my wand as a voice amplifier and placed it near my lips. "ALL OF YOU, WAKE THE BLOODY HELL UP!!!" I said yelled loudly through my wand I'm pretty sure the entire castle heard.

Everyone startled awake except for one, Diana. She didn't move a muscle or flinch at all but continued to snooze away on the coffee table. How is she even sleeping on it? Is it not uncomfortable?

I marched up to her sleeping figure and shook her body. All I got in response was a soft groan. "Diana wake up." I shook her once more. "5 more minutes" she mumbled. "You're twenty minutes late for McGonagall's class" I said. "Oh shit!" She shot up awake and quickly got off the table. "Holy shit! I'm so fucked right now!" She exclaims.

"Diana" I say grabbing her arm. "What?" "There's still about twenty seven minutes until breakfast." I say with a slight smirk. "Brianna." She whined. "Why would you scare me like that ?"

"Because I knew you would wake up. Plus you take forever to get ready. Even for class. You don't need to do much. You can just wake up with a bare face and throw your hair up in a messy b-"

"Let me stop you right there."

"What I'm about to say, I'm not tryna say sound vain or anything but Hogwarts ain't what it used to be. Now it's like a competition on who's the prettiest so you gotta keep up. Now beauty is very important. Now you gotta be able to make some bitches jealous even if you are going to history of magic just the use it as a period to catch up on your sleep. Which is what I'm totally about to do today.''

"Same" Pansy says stretching.

"Anyways. I have to get ready for class. We have double potions today and I heard we're brewing a complex potion for marks today."

*30 minutes later*
(Still Brianna's POV)

I was currently in the Great hall seated next to Scarlett. Diana entered the hall not even trying to hide her tiredness. Her blonde tresses were in twin braids and the minimal makeup she had was only to cover the dark bags under her eyes.

She took a few slices of toast and spread strawberry jam on them. "Where's the bloody tea?!" She yelled at the people further down the table. Some random fifth year passed her a teapot. "Which kind of tea is this?" "Green tea." The fifth year's voice slightly quivered.

"Isn't there any Earl grey tea?!" She snapped at the poor innocent fifth year. The girl shook her head.

"What's got her knickers in a twist." Scarlett asked before taking a bite out of the cinnamon bun in her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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