chapter 17

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*Harry's POV*

It's the first day of classes. I would be excited but I think I know someone who would be even more excited. It's breakfast time and I'm currently sitting at the Gryffindor table with Ron, Diana and Brianna.

Halfway through breakfast, a fourth year Ravenclaw comes up to us. "Headmistress McGonagall would like to see you in her office."she says. "Now?" I ask. She just nods her head.

I walk up to the headmistress's office and say the password. I enter and see Headmistress McGonagall sitting behind her desk and in the chair in front of her was a redheaded girl. McGonagall had noticed me and indicated to the seat next to the girl. I took a seat barely looking at the girl.

"Good morning Mr Potter. Glad that you could join us." She said. "I would like you to meet your sister, Scarlett Lily Potter. (A/N: the picture above is Scarlett)

Sister?! I look at the girl and my eyes widen. This girl looks just a lot like mum did as a teenager.

"B-but how?" I managed to say. "Well Mr Potter ,you are aware of how your parents were on the run to hide to protect you from the clutches of You-know-who. During that hiding period your mother found that she was pregnant with Scarlett here, and in order to protect her she had asked professor Dumbledore to hide her away. Where she was sent to France and studied at Beauxbatons." she explained

"But why am I being told now?" I asked. "Mr Potter I only found out last week that you had a sister. I've been looking for her and now I've finally found her." She says.

"Oh" is all I could say. A sister. I have a sister. I can't believe. All of my friends have siblings and I was feeling kinda alone but now I have a sister. I immediately engulf her in a big hug and she hugs me back

"Now Miss Potter will be getting sorted." McGonagall says as well pull away. Pulls out the sorting hat and the stool and Scarlett takes a seat on the old stool. Old raggedy hat is placed on her

*Scarlett's POV*

I take a seat on the rigidity stool and the sorting hat is put on my head. I could feel it prying into my mind

"Mhhm quick mind. Eager to learn. You would do great in Ravenclaw. But... The intelligence is overpowered by bravery like no other"

The hat was quiet for a few seconds before it shouted "GRYFFINDOR"

Harry looked proud and happy about me being sorted into Gryffindor.

Harry was told he could not go to class so he could show me around.

*Still Scarlett's POV*

Harry has been giving me a tour of the school and I am mesmerized to say the least. He's also been telling me about his time at Hogwarts. He's also been asking me about life in France.

"Scar I think it's time for lunch and I would like you to meet my friends." Harry says. I simply just nodded.

We made our way to the Great Hall which is probably the most enchanting area in this entire school.

We went to one of the four tables which was gold and red. Harry then greeted four people who were having a conversation of their own. There was a platinum blonde girl with perfect porcelain skin and steel grey eyes. Next to her was a boy with dirty blonde hair and bright chocolate brown eyes. Opposite the boy was a boy with red hair, pale skin and ocean blue eyes. Next to him was a girl with tan skin, jet black hair and emerald green eyes.

Harry took a seat next to the blonde girl and I sat next to him. "Who's this Harry?" the redheaded boy asked. "Guys I would like you to meet my sister Scarlett." Harry says. All four of them look deadpanned. "I didn't know you had a sister Harry." The dirty blonde haired boy says. "I didn't either. I found out today." Harry says.

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