Hello Timothy

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     As Raph had predicted, Donnie had an earful to give me before I could even apologize for running off. The turtle in red, funnily enough, had stuck around while I was getting patched up to help defend me from getting my ears talked off. Once my injuries were cleaned, I asked Donnie what the machine was even for.

     Apparently, I was correct about the sonar. From what he could tell in detonating that machine, its purpose was to find the power cell's emitted frequency. It required a lot of power due to the unique waves. Odd as it was for the Kraang to attempt that, or at least in my opinion, the machine was gone. It was blown to smithereens, thwarted, done for, whatever other way you could say kapoot.

     In about two days my ankle healed up and I found myself starting to hang around Raph for periods of time. Whenever Raph would be out in the living room area or walk into the dojo, I would wander out of my room or the lab to watch. Watching Raph train was very therapeutic in its own way. If he gave me a nod of approval, I'd sit some feet away. He always trained with a rhythm. Listening and observing was...soothing. Considering what I've been through I found it odd.

     One day, he was going through different techniques with his sais in the dojo when he paused and looked at me.

     "Hey Wolfy, you wanna train with me?" I blinked. "Come on, I wanna see what you got! If you're gunna sit there an' watch me, you might as well join me."

     I blinked again. It's not like I could say no. I stood and shrugged. I might as well give it a shot. I stood next to Raph and got into what I thought was a decent stance.

     "You call that a fighting stance?" I nearly jumped out of my skin when Raph was immediately at my side and adjusting my position. "No wonder Dogpound used you as a chew toy!"

     I scowled at that comment. Sure Raph, it's totally not like I have no knowledge of fighting.

     He smirked, "Okay, now that your fighting stance is fixed, why don't ya throw a punch at me?"

     I hesitated but slowly held my fist out. I really didn't want to hit him. I didn't even know what I was doing at this point. Raph just frowned, looking very unimpressed.

     "Come on, Wolfy! Throw me a good one!"

     As a prompt, he held up his hand as a target. I was so confused. I just gave it my best shot. I threw a punch and hit his hand pretty hard, but I wasn't making a proper fist and hurt my thumb. Raph stood there awkwardly as I shook my hand.

     "Do you know anything about fighting?"

     I shook my head while singing 'no' at the same time. Raph's green eyes held me in place. What was he thinking? Was he mad? Was he concerned? Disappointed?

     His hand slowly came up and landed in between my ears. He seemed to be...sad? This was the first time I had ever seen him like this. It felt weird. This wasn't the Raphael I had come to know since I had gotten here. This was completely different from the brash, loud, protector that had been keeping a close eye on me.

     "Hey... I'm sorry I doubted you." I wasn't expecting that. "I just... I didn't want to trust you and then you escaped during the black out and I was sure you had gone back to Shredder... I thought you would hurt us. Boy was I wrong," he lamented.

     "Then why don't you take it upon yourself to get Alexis started in the ways of ninjutsu, Raphael?"

     We both turned to Master Splinter who had walked in. My surprise was an understatement. Splinter wanted to teach me ninjutsu? As if I was a student? His student? Learning ninjutsu? What fever dream was I in?

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