#4 || Piano Keys Are The Key To My Heart

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Two days later and Dan could barely contain himself. He was itching to move his legs.
The Hufflepuffs where sad to see him go. He had been shy at first but over the days, he had opened up, allowing himself to laugh and smile with all of them. They where all fond of him, and when Winnie gave the say so, they all gave him warm goodbyes.

The golden glow of sunlight had finally torn through the gloom, at least for the morning it seemed, as the pathway to Slytherins common room was lit in fresh golden rays. The boys walked silently down the hall, and even though Dans limp was impossible to ignore, the two of them couldn't hide the twin smiles on their faces. Things where bad, but they where hand in hand, and that seemed to be enough right now.
Most students where eating in the great hall at this time in the morning, so the corridor was relatively bare, except for the occasional ghost or mysterious shadow, until two Gryffindors rounded the corner.
One was tall and lanky, with enough grease in his hair to rival Professor Snape.
The other had pimples that looked like they where trying to compensate for his lack of height. He reminded Dan of a large swine.
"Ooh hey there Howell!" Snorted the first as he caught sight of them. "Heard you got a boo-boo! Professor Carrow is very upset that you've been skipping class! We've been missing you!" They laughed like he had said something funny. Dan squeezed Phil's hand, trying to ignore the bullies and keep walking. Thats when the other one noticed their clasped hands. "Hey Howell! Is that your boyfriend? Huh, Howell? Homo Howell? Is it?" Wheezzed the Gryffindor. Dan stopped in his tracks.
He was trying so hard not to get angry, but it's one thing when they pick on just him. He was used to it, and used to ignoring it. But when they bring Phil into this? His hand flew down to his wand.
"Guys just lay off!" Phil shouted suddenly, but that wasn't what stopped Dan from drawing his wand. Neville Longbottom, a tall and nearly infamous seventh year, had rounded the corner, and the bullies had seen him to. Dan knew he was a good guy, but he had an air about him that made him feel intimidated all the same. "Yah guys." Neville said nodding to Phil. "Leave them alone."
"Whatever." said Greasy. "I'll let you off this time Lester, just because you helped my sister out of a spot with a Death Eater! Just this once!" He turned to his friend. "Come on Bart, lets scram." They left hurriedly, giving furtive glares behind their shoulders.
"Sorry about them, Phil." Neville said. "They're scared, and are just looking for a way to let it out." He blew out a tired breath. "All the kids are. Were doing what we can, but it isn't much. Anyway, what's your name?" He said to Dan, who had been staring at Neville with something like awe.
"Er, Dan. I'm Dan."
Neville gave him a once over, and Dan could see him registering his torn Slytherin robes, and his and Phil's intertwined hands. "Well..." Here it comes. Dan thought. He's going to shun me for being a Slytherin. Or maybe he knows my mom, then I'll really be in trouble. "Any friend of Phil's is a friend of mine! He really helped us out with those healing spells, you know. Keep him close!" The seventh year said with a wink, before strolling on his way.
What just happened.
"I didn't know you knew Neville so well." was the first thing Dan could think to say. "Er, yah... Like he said, ever since, uh, that night, I've been working on my healing spells and such." Dan knew Phil was blushing too. Why where they blushing? It's not like they where dating or anything! They didn't even like each other! They didn't even like guys!
... I think.
"So... Er... your room?" Phil prompted. "What?!" Dan snapped out of his thoughts.
"We need to feed your cat, and you need to get, you know, some robes that aren't bloody and shredded..."
"Oh... Oh, yea, right, of course..."
What where you even thinking of Dan?
The boys continued down the hallway, silently. The pair wound around corners and down hallways, through a shortcut, and onto the third floor landing. "Phil, why is your common room so far away from ours?" Panted Dan.
"You need to start Quidditch or something!" Giggled Phil.
"You calling me fat?" Dan snickered.
"Well- Oh hang on." Phil said suddenly. "Is that Neville again?"
They peeked around the corner to see Neville pacing back and forth along a wall, with two girls sitting next to him. One was a sixth year that Dan recognized as a Weasley, and the other was a girl with whitish blonde hair and no shoes.
"...need a place where only students opposed to the death eaters can enter." Neville said as he walked back and forth. "I need a place where only students opposed to the death eaters can enter. There. Three times, just like during DA."
Dan watched, amazed, as the blank stone wall grew an intricate door frame. "So no Death Eaters? Or Slytherins?" The red head asked.
"You really know how to work the thing, huh?"
"The Room of Requirement is just as against the Death Eaters as we are." The shoeless girl said dreamily. "The whole castle is..."
So a magic room? Of requirement? Dan wondered. You say what you want three times and you get it... interesting...
"Come on Dan." Phil tugged at Dans sleeve. "Lets go."

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