#8 || The Dream Team

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Phil was flat out running, and it was just his luck that it happened to be late in the lunch hour on Monday morning. This meant that he was dashing shirtless through crowds of people trying to reach their next class with a frenzied look in his eyes.
He had left his lost shirt and robes behind in his panic to get back to the common room.
He made it eventually, but not with out 1) several people openly staring/ snickering/ pointing, at his bare chest 2) nearly running straight into professor Snape, and 3)being saved at the last second by Finn Fullbuster.
Phil had nearly dashed around the last corner when a hand- Finns- seized him by the waist band of his jeans and hauled him back around and the corner.
"Careful." He whispered. "Snapes coming down that hallway." He pulled Phil behind a tapestry the second that the headmaster whipped onto their corridor.
"Thanks! That would have been bad if he had seen me in this state." Phil said breathlessly.
"Not a problem!" He said sweetly. "Anyway, I don't know if you remember me, but I helped out your friend a couple weeks ago."
"No I do- It's Finn, right?"
Finn nodded, pleased. "Finn Fullbuster."
"Er, how did you know Snape was coming down that hallway?" Phil asked. "Or that I would be there?"
He shrugged. "I'm really good at Divination."
"Let's get back to the common room, shall we?" Finn stepped out from behind the tapestry, holding it back so Phil could get out too.
Phil had made it back, but he hadn't even had enough time to find him self a shirt before a large mirror on the far wall opened up and Persia the Ravenclaw walked straight out of it, and directly toward them.
"Accurate as always." She smiled toward Finn. "Down the second."
"You expected less?" He said playfully.
"From you? Never."
They carried on like this, both of their attitudes slightly off. Persia seemed more relaxed then at the quidditch court, and Finn looked the same kind of happy that a someone looks when they see a best friend after a few years. Phil couldn't quite put his finger on what their relationship was, but then Persia stopped her banter suddenly.
"Oh yea! Phil! That's why I came here." He looked at her, alarmed.
"M- Me?"
She nodded. "You, me, Finny here, and Howell are all supposed to meet in the room of requirement." His eyes widened.
"Tonight? But isn't... Isn't Fenrir Greyback coming in tonight?"
The light in Persia's eyes darkened, her smile became down right creepy. "Exactly." Finn hit her softly on the shoulder. "Aw stop that your scaring him!"
She laughed, popping out of her mysterious manner.
"Sorry, sorry. Anyway Phil, two more things you should know. First is: make sure you tell Dan." Phil nodded.
"And the second is this." She handed him a thick piece of parchment that unfolded in many complicated ways, but had nothing on it.
"Now watch this." Finn said, taking over.
Finn reached over and tapped the paper with his wand. "Laever htap."
The paper suddenly sprung out of Phil's hands, lines of black ink blooming from each of the places his fingers had been, unfolding its self in a terribly complicated way.
"It's based off of that cool Marauders Map Ginny was talking about." Finn explained.
"But a little different." Persia finished. "It's a 3-D version of the castle, revised version- this one shows all the secret corridors we Ravenclaws-" "And Hufflepuffs!"
"Have been developing! There's one to and from each common room, as well as the staff room, the kitchens, the dungeons, the greenhouse, the indoor forest on floor six, the quidditch pitch, the prefects bathrooms, the library, the divination tower, that secret library in the Spire that the Ravenclaws own,"
"The what?"
"-The Astronomy Tower, that wierd basement with that giant chess set, and the forbidden forest!" She finished with a flourish.
"One of the only places we couldn't get to was Snape's office. To heavily guarded." Finn said, shaking his head.
"And guess what else!" Persia said.
"The network, as we're calling it, is only accessible by those underage! That means that no death eaters can get in there!"
"Of course, it also means that in a couple months Neville and Luna won't be able to either..."
"And if any Slytherins get their hands on an unlocked map..."
"They would have direct access to, well, everywhere!"
"Which is why there are only 5 in existence!"
"One for Neville, Luna, and Ginny, of course."
"And one for us to share!"
"And one for you and Dan to share!"
Phil's mind was boggled. It was hard to believe, almost to good to be true. "And... You guys did this in like, two weeks?"
"Yea! Well. We studied the one eyed witch, as well as the passage you and Dan use to... Well do whatever you boys do," "What. "and once we had the basic idea we used a complex charm-chain with a central focus point and spliced it with a spacial burst spell, the exchange being made with the extra rooms in the room of re-"
"Persia, I doubt he understands a word you are saying." Finn cut her off, not unkindly. Phil was grateful, for a split second, before he said: "Although... It was rather interesting when Winry solidified that concealing potion and fit it to the matrix of the spell..."
"I know right!"
Phil couldn't help but chuckle. They are total nerds.
"Is that all?" Phil interrupted.
"Hm? Oh yes. You better go shower, you smell like fire whiskey." Persia said.

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