#7 || The Boys Learn How To Rave

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"Wanna spend the night at my place tonight?"
"S- Sure!"
Dan smiled hugely. "Fantastic. Come on then, put your clothes back on. Come with me to the quidditch match."
Phil nodded, fumbling with the tassels on his robes.
"It's Gryffindor versus Slytherin, right?"
"Yep. Oh hurry up." Dan leaned over to Phil, doing his last button for him. "Let's go then, Philly."
Did Dan realize how everything he did made Phil's heart pound? Did he know that the slightest brush of his fingertips sent an electric shiver down Phil's back?
Dan grabbed Phil's hand, his soft palms pressing against his, fingers knotting together. "What's that look on your face?" Dan leaned his head to the side, peering at Phil.
"Wha-? Nothing."
Dan shrugged. "If you say so."

Even after the pair had wound their way down the tower, through the castle, out the door, down the path, onto the Quidditch pitch, up the bleachers and into their seats, Dan still couldn't forget the feeling of Phil's lips on his own.
The boys where sitting practically on top of each other. Sitting with Phil shouldn't- wouldn't- make Dan feel anything. It was as if he was trying to prove it to himself as he nuzzled is face into Phil's neck. Just friends. This is what friends do. Obviously. He could do whatever he wanted and it wouldn't make him feel anything. Because Phil was just a friend. Obviously.
"I'm going to get us some popcorn!" Phil declared suddenly, lurching upward, looking rather flustered. "Er. Okay."

What was Dan even doing? He said that kiss meant nothing but he was acting like a particularly clinging girlfriend. Phil was blushing and confused as he walked down to get snacks. As much as Phil wanted to hold Dan in his arms, He also wanted to keep his distance. He didn't want Dan to know that he liked him.
Dan didn't like him, not the way Phil liked Dan. There was no way.

It was after Phil had selected the largest box of popcorn and began his trek back to Dan, that something very strange happened. He had rounded the corner, when Alecto Carrow, robes billowing behind him, walked straight into Phil, knocking him to the ground, popcorn littering the floor.
"Lester." Alecto said, looking down at him. "What are you doing at the Slytherin end?" His voice was taught and distracted, but he still spared a glare for Phil.
"I'm- Er- im sitting with Dan."
"Dan Howell?"
"Yes sir." It was all Phil could do to keep his voice from trembling. Why was he so interested? Phil feared he would remember Dan, and himself.
"I see. Are you two close?"
"I- I would say so, yes." What sort of a question was that?
"I see. Carry on then, Lester." And the death eater stalked away.
Phil sat on the ground, rather shocked at the unusual exchange. Then, remembering what he was doing, he scrambled to his feet, a swish of his wand gathering the fallen popcorn. The stair way was beginning to clear, and the bleachers to fill as the game readied itself to begin.
Hurriedly, Phil searched to for Dan, and when he finally found him, he was deep in conversation with a Ravenclaw girl [ My OC ] who was leaning over the back of Phil's seat.
"... And anyway, I'm just here to say thanks." She looked up as Phil neared, her smile tilting quirkily as she recognized him. "Your Phil Lester right?" Phil nodded, as he slowly began to recognize her. "Yea, I am. And your that Ravenclaw prodigy from the DA right?" She nodded. "Names Persia. Winnie was- is- my sister." It was obvious, now that she said it. They shared the same platinum blonde hair, but where Winnie wore hers in a curly poof, Persia's was a shiny wave down her back, reaching so far down it seemed to be elongated by magic, which was probably due to her rare abilities. "I just came over to say thanks to Dan, you know, for helping her out back there. And I should probably thank you to. You where the one that fixed her up afterwards." The longer Phil looked at her the more similarities and differences he saw between her and Winnie. Winnie's eyes where soft myrtle green, the color of broken sea glass. Persias where electric green, buzzing with blue and yellow that shimmered across her iris' like bolts of lightning. It gave a startling, entrancing look.
Phil smiled. "Happy to do it. Winnie was the one that taught me everything I know about healing magic."
Persia nodded. "That was her specialty."
She had what was almost a dark air around her, or it would have been dark if she hadn't smiled in that way that wasn't exactly happiness, but something deeper, like understanding. She radiated confidence.
The girl stood, nodding at both of them. "Well, the match is starting. I'll see you guys later." And she turned on her heel, walking away surefootedly.
"Wow. What did you think of her?" Phil said as soon as she was out of ear shot.
"Intimidating. Kind of intense." He answered. "Did you see what she was wearing? She completely ditched school robes for like, an Aurors uniform or something."
Phil nodded. "I hear she wasn't always like that though. This year has changed a lot of us, and it hasn't even been a month." Phil said looking intently at Dan. How could he have fallen for Dan so hard in just a month?

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