#10 || Sweet Revenge

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Phil preformed several minutes of spells on Dennis until he had stopped bleeding. After rubbing a thick blue paste on his chest and popping a carmel looking thing in his mouth, Phil declared he would be good as new in a few hours. "But he won't be able fight." The healer added apologetically.
"I'll let some one back at hq know to come and get him." Neville said, slipping a galleon out of his pocket and beginning to fiddle with it.
Dan walked over to Phil offering him a hand up. "We need to get out of here before Snape comes." Dan said. Phil nodded, and the others showed their mute agreement by following the pair out the door.
They strode out of the dark, blood splattered room, and into the nearest secret passage way. The path was long and dark, and Dan, who was leading, didn't really know the way. Occasionally they would pass by a sliver of window where the forest was silhouetted against the silver moon, and what should have been beautiful became an eerie scene because Dan was reminded of the werewolves power.  Eventually, after several sets of stairs and even a rope ladder, they reached the balcony over the entrance of the castle, where Phil and Finn would be waiting to trap Fenrir. What those traps where, exactly, Neville had not enlightened the rest of them.

Neville and Luna started performing the concealing spells again, and when everyone was hustling with last minute checks and prepping to go, Phil leaned over and pecked Dan on the cheek. "Good luck, Danny."
And he slipped through the door and out of sight.
Dans cheek burned where Phil's soft lips had touched it. Did he just give me a good luck kiss?
"Ready to go, Dan?" Neville asked, snapping him out of his reverie.
"I, er, yep, I'm ready." He knew he was blushing furiously
Finn snickered behind his hand.
"Shut up!" He snapped. "Hey man, I didn't say anything!" The boy raised a defensive hand, before sliding through the door after Phil.
Dan huffed, and took the lead again, mainly so they couldn't see his uncontrollably giddy expression.
Did Phil really just kiss me? What does that make us? Maybe it was like an affectionate brotherly kiss? Girls do that to guy friends right? But that would be weird for guys wouldn't it. Maybe that's just what wizards do? No probably not. But what if I'm reading to much into it?

Dans head cleared when he realized the passage way floor was blending from hard gray stone to damp soil.
They where somewhere under the road that connected the train station to the school, and the sudden reality of their situation brought Dan back to earth.
"Okay." Neville said quietly as he slipped the coin he had been staring at into his pocket. "Persia is using the galleons to communicate and she says she is up their with Alecto, and Snape is on his way. According to her we have about thirty minutes before they head down this trail. It's time to split up. Luna, you know the way to the Clover Clearing right? Good. That's where you and Persia will take down Alecto.
Me, Dan and Ginny will go down the trail, waiting for Snape. Ginny, summon your broom, would ya?" She complied.
"Dan, you and I will be waiting in the trees." Dan nodded.

They split up, each running on opposite sides of the trail. The night was dark, but Dan dared not light his one in case Snape what's ahead of schedule and saw it. He ran lightly across the decaying leaves, a trickle of sweat running down his back. He stumbled once or twice, and his breathing soon became labored as he ran along the deer trail. This is what I get for never leaving my sofa crease.

He wondered if Phil and Finn where watching him now. The thought made him want to pat his hair and make sure it looked nice, which made no sense because it was pitch black and he was twenty minutes away from fighting a Death eater for his life. Come on Dan. Get your priorities straight!

He soon reached where he assumed they where supposed to attack Snape. Only the thin pale rays from the moon illuminated the bark handholds as he climbed up the tree. Did Neville really expect him to jump down from here?

He perched him self on a thicker limb. He could see Neville's pale silhouette a few feet across from him.

And then they waited. Dan nearly fell out of the tree, like three times. Neville shushed him.
The minutes crept on turtle feet, but finally they heard the rustling of leaves, and three shadow cloaked bodies appeared beneath them.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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