part 11 love looks

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love looks good on you too babe because you are a beautiful woman that I will always love.

love looks so beautiful from within yourself because you are such a beautiful soul that shines so brightly and I'm impressed with your beauty as you continue to let love shine on within inside yourself.

love looks so amazing on you because you have a great smile that makes all the difference in the world.

love looks a-lot better than it looks because you have a beautiful face with a great smile on your face and you have a good personality which makes me happy that love looks like a happy balloon that floats up in the air and I will always love let look at you like you are a important person in my life that I will never let go of you because I don't let love look any different than it always does.

Love looks like a dream that you can look through like an hourglass of time and see through your mirror while you look through the glass of your own eyes that Love looks for many years ago that embrace your life with a beautiful view of the world that Love looks like whenever you look at back how beautiful you truly are on the inside of the mirror that you continue to look through for this amazing view of your love that you look at in your life with an amazing eyes that look around you and your beautiful smile that radiates infinite joy and happiness.

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