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''your highness, please walk slowly'' said a maid to a beautiful little boy.

the boy has silver white hair with pale green eyes along with his pale skin and light pink lips, he looked like a delicate little doll.

unfortunatly his skin is too pale and with one look anyone could tell that he is sickly.

the maid looked at the boy with simpathy before hurridley hiding.

'although his highness cannot practice martial arts because of his poor physique no one dared to look down on him.' thought the maid bitterly as she felt useless because compared to his highness that has no martial arts but still have power she is nothing but a maid.

lu xiang did not miss the simpathy in that maids eyes in that split second, but he did not care.

lu xiang has been in this world for 5 years but still could not practice martial arts.

but he did not worry because he is already strong enough to even defeat that useless father of his with a single move.

lu xiang though of the problem with his weak physique and is helpless.

lu xiang though as he walked towards concubine wu xia palace.

while sorrounded by maids and enuchs.

the reason for this is because dispite being physically weak lu xiang has already has many stores and restaraunt along with medicine and martial technique that are usefull and saught after by many martial artist. even other empeires came to lu emperor when he auctioned these techniques.

and despite his young age no one dare to underestemate him because their are even rumors that has even trained martial artist to protect his safety along with his stores.

'i wouldn't have want to stand out like this but i guess am helpless' thought lu xiang.

the reason why lu xiang makes his stores and restaraunt along with his aution house and martial artist that he is raising known throughout the empire is actually started from when he was 2 years old.

when lu xiang was 2 years old he was neglected by the palace maids and his mother because everyone thought he was useless. because of this the maids didn't even bother to show respect. and because concubine wu xia even showed her disliked to lu xiang they didn't even bother to feed him.

so when lu xiang was hungry and walked to the royal kitchen he just happened to hear the kitchen cooks and maids talking about him.

''so the 6th prince wanted us to poison that trash 13th prince oh'' said the palace cook to another palace maid.

''what's the point of poisoning him when he is a trash,. he wont even be able to practice martial arts'' said anoter palace cook who took out a small clot bag from his sleeve before pouring it's content into the dishes to be sent to lu xiang palace.

''whats wrong with that. afterall he is still a prince even if he is useless.'' said the palca maid rolling her eyes at the palace cook.

'' but wont we get into trouble if he just dies like'' said the palace cook worriedly.

''don't worry the emperor won't do anything to us. after all to him he still have plenty of children and even if some died he'll still get more. and it's not like he is the only one who wants to poison the thirteenth prince'' said the palace cook mysteriously.

''what do you mean'' asked the palace maid curiously, not at all worried about killing a 2 year old child.

lu xiang also listened intently as well.

''the 3th,4th,6th,10th and some concubines wanted to kill the 13th prince as well'' said the palace cook while smiling.

when the two other palace maids heard that their are so many people who wanted to kill the 13th prince they were all stunned.

even lu xiang was stunned.

lu xiang always though that if everyone saw him as a useless person they will ignored him. and focust on their enemies and other princes.
but contrary to what he though everyone wanted him to die because he is useless.

lu xiang frowned before thinking of the reason. and it finally hit him.

'the reason is simple, no one saw any value in him so they wanted to get rid of him' thought lu xiang