manager xi

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''such a pity he can't practice martial arts'' said fan out loud.

''hm'' luo and lewang agreed.

luo then thought of something. '' but i think that the prince may come up with a solution in the future''  said luo hesistantly.

lewang look at him with a puzzled expression.

''what do you mean luo?'' asked lewang.

fan also looked at luo with interest as well.

''i....i  mean...since the 13th prince can easily come up with martial techniques does.. doesn't that mean he can come up with a martial technique for himselfe.'' said luo nervousely.

lewang and fang fall silent both in deep though.

lu xiang walked inside the aution house.

the manager of the auction house came out to meet him revertly.

the manager is a martial artist that lu xiang hired to deal with the auction house.

''your majesty what brings you all this way today'' said the manager excitetedly but he didn't dare to be disrespectful so he cup his hand and bow to lu xiang before getting up when told.

''i came today to add new collection to the auction house list of items.'' said lu xiang calmly while walking to the storehouse of the aution house.

the manager didn't dare to say anything and followed behind him at a respectfully distance.

while walking lu xiang walked past demonic beast that are locked in cages. some wounded badly and some not at all.
there was even a snake with red eye and completely black scales staring at lu xiang hungrily.

lu xiang ignored it while continueing walking.

the reason why lu xiang auction off demonic beast is because they are creatures that only knows how to eat and fight. they even eat their own kind as well if they cannot attack an empire, anyway they reproduce quickly and grows to adulthood in a month so they alway have been great enemies of human empires because they attack empires when the forest that they live in is over populated, so they first reproduce before attacking.

but because of reproducing they became hungrier as a result they eat their mates during mating and somtimes eat the offspring if they gave birth to more than 10. lu xiang even once saw a demonic bird with two heads eating each other because they mistake it as their mates.

while walking lu xiang came  towards a room filled with bottles of medicines and pills. he then walked towards a shell with a pitch blach flower before signaling one of the guards to take it.

after finishing lu xiang turned towards the manager who was quite as a wood.

''manager xi will get the items in an hours time.'' said lu xiang as he walks away.

lu xiang then pause for a while before turning around with his pale green eyes to look at manager xi before showing a deep in thought look.

''and also recruite beggars that are under the age of 20 from the lu empire, i will be checking them next week''. lu xiang said as he walked away.

manager xi's back broke out in cold sweat at lu xiangs look. 'i though he was considering to fire me' manager xi though as he touch his beating heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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