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"We've Been Watching"

3 Months Later...

Namjoon, Hoseok, & Yoongi had been tailing Haewon for months now. Unfortunately for them, Haewon had caught onto them. So she purposefully lured them somewhere before locking the four of them in a room. "나한테 원하는 게 뭐야? 당신은 누구입니까? 당신은 뭐예요?!" (What do you want from me ?! Who are you ?! What are you ?!), she questioned given she held the upper hand at the moment.

Yoongi was the first to answer her. Even though they were celestials, mortals are highly unpredictable. "We just want to help you, Haewon-ssi. You seem very sad..." Haewon scoffed pointing at the three before her. "Like I believe that. Were you planning on kidnapping me ? Why else were you really following me ?"

Namjoon managed to free himself which, of course, obviously threw Haewon off. She moved to the other end of the room as Namjoon released Hoseok & Yoongi. Hoseok tried to get Haewon to see reason, "We are not trying to do anything to you Haewon-ssi.  We simply were following orders on how to improve the lives of mortals through watching over you."

"이 미친놈들아!" (You are some fucking crazy, bastards !), Haewon yelled trying to get past the three to the door. Suddenly, she came to an abrupt stop. All of a sudden all of her limbs felt extremely heavy. Yoongi tried to back up when he too felt like there was an immense weight on his body. "Stop it, there is no use. We can't allow you to leave, Haewon-ssi. You are violating our mission anyway..."

Haewon ignored this warning. She tried yanking her arm towards the door when she felt an odd weight. She looked own slowly finding golden chains. Hoseok answered her question before she had the chance to ask. "Those are celestials chains. We can't break them... You're now linked to our beings until we can get a higher ranked celestial to break them..." There was only one way chains appear on celestials. How was the chains connected to Haewon as well ? Little did anyone know Iseul was the reason this has started...

While Haewon was distracted by the chains Yoongi used some power to put her sleep. "집으로 데려가야 해요. 우리는 거기서 며칠 동안 사라집니다. 해원시는 며칠 안에 모든 것을 잊어야 합니다." (We need to get her home. From there we disappear for a few days. Haewon-ssi should forget everything in a few days.) Haewon' sleeping body was carried by Namjoon. It wasn't long before they put the girl comfortably in her own bed. 

Hoseok rubbed his wrists that were in pain from the chains, "Should we call Myung-Dae hyung-nim ? He did warns us about being in such close contact with a mortal being dangerous...." They quickly made the call while making sure Haewon stayed in her peaceful slumber. Namjoon especially felt guilty. He believes he had lead his friends into this situation simply because he was the embodiment of the Earth.

"There is nothing you can do unfortunately. I warned you that being so close to a mortal would have consequences... But the chains shall not be visible if you managed to make sure the mortal remembers absolutely nothing at all. She can't handle the concept of literal deities walking around her. She'll probably would go insane because of the information as a whole..." 

Yet, things never go as planned...

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