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"Prologue: Misfortune"


The Shins. A simple family with a few superstitions that even Haewon couldn't escape. There just simply are things that are so outrageous you have to believe them. A psychic sat before my parents with a horrible fortune to tell. A fortune supposedly on me, a newborn.

"당신은 딸이 하나 있습니다. 그녀의 미래를 많이 볼 수는 없지만, 죽음이 확실히 다가오고 있습니다. 이 아이는 저주받고 있습니다. 행운의 가족 혈통에서 불행입니다." (You are having a daughter. I can't see much of her future, but death certainly is around the corner. This child is cursed. A misfortune on a fortunate family line.) Can you guess how my father took this news ?

He slammed his hand on the table & pulled the psychic in close. "A cursed daughter ? Just what misfortune will this child bring ?" The psychic now a bit terrified continues. This psychic had no reasons to lie either, for this psychic knew of the higher beings that seemingly walked the Earth at this time. 

"Death. Death will lurk at your door. More so, they'll latch onto your daughter. I am afraid there is no remedy for this..." My mother barely batted a eye before speaking up. "How can we prevent this from affecting us ? The psychic offered a strained smile as they knew there was no way around this kind of predicament. "You can use talismans only given from a higher power. A being who knows this very well..." 

A higher what ? Did my parents believe this ? No. They threatened to take their money back when the psychic left the room for a few moments. A woman with immense power sat before them. Ji Iseul.

Iseul offered a smile to my parents. "I assure you Mr. & Mrs. Shin that little Haewon here won't bring death to your door. I will give you the talismans in exchange I take your daughter into my care when I see fit. Do we have a deal ? Deliberating. My mom and my father argued it over while Iseul held me in her arms. No wonder I swore she felt familiar.

Eventually a decision had come. "Deal." They basically sold me away because a psychic told them I'd be the death of the family, & because a higher being took an interest. They only wanted value on their lives while stripping away the value of mine. Iseul' eyes flashed purple as she looked down into my little eyes as a wicked smile overcame her face, "귀여운 해원아... 나이가 들면 멋진 게임의 핵심이 될 거야. 죽음을 맞이할 각오가 되어 있기를..." (Sweet little Haewon... You will be the key part to a wonderous game when you're older. I hope you are prepared to truly face death...)

Misfortune. I despise this word.

I am note misfortunate. 

I am not a curse upon my family.

My name's Shin Haewon...

Are you ready to hear finally hear me ?

What awaits ? 

Why a dance with death should suffice, right ?

Read my story & find out more...

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