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"All Needs To Be Erased, I'm Sorry"

Iseul sat comfortably in her chair as she stared down the four before her. "너희들은 나에게 아기와 같아. 임무에 보낼 수 없어, 그렇지 않으면 나는 너희들의 실패에 책임을 느낄 거야..." (You four are likes babies to me. Can't send you on missions or else I will feel responsible for your failures...) Her eyes immediately falling on Namjoon who stood clearing his throat.

"I am sorry, Miss Iseul... I never intended to ruin the mission." Yoongi rolled his eyes as he pointed at Iseul angrily. Yoongi was by no means disrespectful, but he was about done with higher up celestials looking down on them. Isn't that why they are in this mess ?!

"미안하지 않아요! 당신은 나를 아기라고 부르지만, 적어도 나는 내 결정을 인정할 수 있어요! 당신이 야기한 고통에 대해 왜 그렇게 편안해 하나요?!" (I am not sorry ! You call me a baby, but at least I can fucking own up to my decisions ! Why are you so comfortable with the idea of the suffering you've caused ?!) Hoseok slapped a hand over Yoongi' mouth worried Iseul would get pissed & give them a harsher punishment. Haewon watched Iseul with a undistinguishable expression. She was seeing a true celestial, but she knew Iseul. She raised her...

Haewon stepped forward & asked Iseul something, "You've made your decision, right ? You'll erase everything ?" Iseul snapped her fingers, heels clicking as she seemingly held up the celestial chains connecting the four from where she now stood. Her gaze flowing from Haewon to finally end on Yoongi. "You sure are smart for a mortal, Haewon-ssi..." Iseul gave her look only a mother would to ber child. This not going unnoticed by the other three.

Iseul continued using her power to give each of them a cup of tea. Purple tea. A potent lavender tea ? "이 라벤더 차를 마셔, 꼬마들아... 모두 지워버려야 해, 미안해... 완전히 초기화되어야 해." (Drink this lavender tea, little babies... All needs to be erased, I'm sorry... Things need to be reset completely.) 

Iseul watched in real time as four bodies hit the floor, celestial glow leavings some, & teacups broken upon hitting the floor. Her eyes turned purple as Nam Yongsun bowed to her, weak & bruised. "What do you wish me to do with them, My Lady ?", Yongsun' voice shaky & completely diminished of all power. 

Iseul smirked wickedly before her eyes softened once more on the four unconscious beings. "First, take Haewon home & things will automatically reset for her. She won't even know the celestial chains are tied to her..." The lower celestials were to be split off. Hoseok would remain a full immortal & sent to the branch where they oversee mortals (well, more like shipped off back to the facility with Yongsun. The chains being erased from his memory.) Namjoon was to become completely mortal ,& free to live his new life, also with no knowledge of the celestial chains.

This was not the case for Yoongi. Yoongi' fate would be far more worse than anyone could've imagined. At least he also kept his immortality... "What about Min, Lady Iseul ?" Iseul sighed as she caressed Yoongi' hair in an almost maternal way, "프로젝트 X는 그로부터 시작될 것입니다. (Project X will begin from him...) He will be a formidable asset, no ?"

The Sun, Earth, & Moon are all within one room & their lives being dictated by other forces... So what truly is power if even they don't hold all of it ?

The END.


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