Chapter 6

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It has been three days since the future kids went back to the past.

They were having the great time with the past selves of their parents.

Plus, there was no training.

The future Wei Wuxian would always train them to control the resentful energy and some archery and swords techniques while the future Lan Wangji would teach them about literature and history, he also teaches them the Gusu sword techniques.

They were free from that which the three gremlins were thankful for, not that they didn't miss their parents, they just want some free time, hence why they asked for a night hunt.

"It's been three days! No training! No classes!!" Wei Chengmei exclaim happily.

"I kinda miss both A-Die and A-Niang...but this free time is also guarantee!" Wei Huaizhong said as Wei Tianyu only agreed with them being the youngest gremlin.

" time?" Jiang Wanyin asked confused.

"We hardly get that...well the three of them would always skip practice and training and classes but A-Niang would always catch them, getting punish everytime. A-Die is too afraid of A-Niang to do anything"

"Me? Afraid of Lan Zhan?"

Wei Wuxian asked who turned to look at Wei Jianyu in confusion and back to Lan Wangji who was silently reading with Wei Xiuying.

When Lan Wangji noticed him he glanced at them as Wei Wuxian smiled at him and waved.

"Heyy Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian said still waving and grinning.

Lan Wangji only looked at him and went back to reading again.

"Hmmp! He won't even look at me!" Wei Wuxian grumbled and pouted.

Wei Jianyu smiled at the familiarity.

"Seems like A-Die's story about A-Niang's younger self isn't a lie after all" Wei Tianyu commented.

"Why? What did my future self told you guys?"

"You said that you would always try to get A-Niang's attention but he wouldn't even dare to look at you!" Wei Chengmei explain and laugh.

"You also said that it took you weeks to befriend A-Niang and later on you two eloped--' Wei Huiazhong immediately shut his mouth when he realized what he said.

Wei Jianyu glared at him and so did the others.

Everyone present there turn to him in shock. Even Lan Wangji seemed startled by the new given information.

"Uh ahahaha oops?" Wei Huaizhong shrank in his spot from the glares of his siblings.

"Me and Lan Zhan did what?!"
"They what?!" Wei Wuxian and Jiang Wanyin both shouted in shock.

Wei Jianyu can only sigh and began to explain.

"You and Cheng-shushu and Sang-Shushu sort of found something very disturbing that led to the future...your future self didn't told us the full story but we understood most of it. While the three of you were going to somewhere for your missions, A-Niang had eavesdrop on you three saying that you'll go to Qinghe Nie Sect. By this time you two are already courting each other...He was suspicious but you told him that you were just joking..." Wei Jianyu stopped talking looking at the people who were looking at him. He sigh again and continue.

"A-Niang was still suspicious so you had to leave Cheng-shushu and Sang-shushu to talk to A-Niang and you two bump into Jiujiu and that was the time you found some excuse to leave...A-Niang told Jiujiu that you were keeping secrets and told Jiujiu that he heard the three of you saying you were going to Qinghe. You told Jiujiu to go as well, he was hesitant but he said yes." Wei Jianyu said and eventually stopped and let Wei Chengmei continue.

"When Jiujiu went to Qinghe the three of you already left! Thank the Gods that Sect Leader Nie didn't tell your brother the three of you were there!" Wei Chengmei laugh and continued afterwards.

"When you got back to Cloud Recesses that night while going back to your room, you bump into was late at night so you were curious why A-Niang was still awake so you went up and talk to him. You describe him like this!" Wei Chengmei stopped and cleared his throat and began to speak again mimicking his A-Die's voice.

" 'Lan Zhan was so beautiful and ethereal when I saw him that night! And when I went to talk to him he was glaring at me!" Wei Chengmei stopped and saw Wei Wuxian's face red and Lan Wangji's ears heating up.

Wei Chengmei laughed and Wei Sizhui shake his head.

"A-Niang told A-Die that A-Die was keeping secrets from him. A-Die-- "A-Die couldn't help but feel sad about it and told A-Niang about his secrets!" Wei Tianyu interrupted and Wei Sizhui slightly glare at him but sigh.

"Mn. A-Die told A-Niang his secrets and A-Niang told A-Die that he wants to get married." Wei Xiuying continued and everyone was shock to hear it was Lan Wangji who requested it.

"...Wangji? Wangji proposed?" Lan Xichen asked surprised.

"Mn. But A-Die decline saying that they were too young to marry but A-Niang was stubborn and so he ignored A-Die the next day. A-Die couldn't help but to agree because he doesn't want A-Niang to ignore him!" Wei Huaizhong replied snickering.

"Later the night after you agreed, you two married. You two got married in the burial mounds..of course with the help of Qing-Shenshen and Cheng-Shushu-" "More like he begged on his knees!" Wei Chengmei and Wei Huaizhong interrupted and laughed afterwards earning a glare from their older brother.

"Wei Wuxian would seriously do that...because I am not agreeing to that kind of request!" Jiang Wanyin said frowning.

"Jiujiu we all know you care for Daiju like a brother!" Jin Ling said teasing his uncle who glared at him.

Jiang Yanli giggled at that while tying his son's hair.

Wei Wuxian was rather silent...his face was red like a ripe tomato and he looked like he was somewhere else staring into space in all.

Lan Wangji was also silent but it was always like that so no one was surprised, only his ears and the back of his neck was blushing with madness.

"A-Die! You look like a ripe tomato!" Wei Chengmei commented which made Wei Wuxian came out of his trance.

"W-what? Haha the news was just so.... surprising." He replied still blushing.

Wei Chengmei and Wei Huaizhong laughed and practically rolled on the green grass beneath them.

Wei Xiuying was bored by her brothers and tug on Lan Wangji's sleeves which got Lan Wangji back to his senses as he turn to Wei Xiuying.

"Please fix my hair.." Wei Xiuying asked and immediately hand her red ribbon and phoenix pin to Lan Wangji and turn her back.

Lan Wangji was quite surprised by her actions but didn't complain and began to style his future daughter's hair.

Wei Jianyu smiled in their direction.

'At least two of them are somewhat tolerable' Wei Jianyu thought


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