Chapter 4

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After the picnic, it was already dinner time.

Lan Qiren had already recover from his small case of Qi Deviation.

Wei Jianyu finished his dinner first and excused himself to go outside.

His brothers looked at him in concern but continued to eat.

Of course their past parents had noticed the look of concern and their gazes followed Wei Jianyu.

Wei Jianyu could feel their gazes but decided to ignore it and went outside.

He then decided to go to the bunny cove where the rabbits reside, where the peace and quiet was located.

He sat down in lotus position as he close his eyes and enjoyed the peaceful silence.

The rabbits had began to jump around him and one of them jump on his lap.

He opened his eyes and smiled and then he began to pet the rabbit.

"... It's nice to finally spend some time on my own."

He said quietly as the rabbit began to chew on his sleeves.

"It's so tiring to be the eldest sometimes. Do this, do that.. do everything to protect your younger siblings...."

By now some of the rabbits had gather in a circle around him, looking up at him, probably confuse on to what he is saying.

Wei Jianyu only smiled at him and pick up some and put it on his lap as they began to snuggle up to him.

Some even tried to get inside his sleeves and some jump up to his robes.

Wei Jianyu sigh and began to lay down on the soft green grass.

He looked up at the stars above him.

"...What if I will fail to protect them someday. Will A-Die and Baba hate me for that?"

He asked no one but himself.

He had that very same fear by the time he was 16 years old.

He was afraid that one day his siblings would get hurt and he wouldn't be there to protect them.

He was afraid of not protecting them.

He was even ready to die, just to protect his younger siblings.

His tears then started to come out as he put his arms on his face covering his eyes.


Wei Jianyu shoot up and immediately wipe his tears and compose himself and turn around to see Wei Sizhui looking at him with concern plastering his face.

"A-Yuan... what're you doing here?"

He asked as he turn his back to Wei Sizhui abd began to pet the rabbits again.

Wei Sizhui went to him and sat beside him.

"Dinner finished a while ago...I was wondering why you left early. Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine A-Yuan..."

"Da-Ge, you know you can't lie to me"

Wei Jianyu smiled at him and ruffles his hair and let out a laugh.

"Yea I know. Something's just bothering me but I'll be fine"

"If you're worried about how to protect us... don't worry, we can protect ourselves, you've done enough for us already"

Wei Jianyu was surprised hearing what Wei Sizhui said.

Wei Jianyu sigh and frown.

"I know. I just..."

"You're the eldest. We all know Da-Ge...and that incident happened a long time ago anyways. Both of the twins are okay, thanks to you"

"Yea but what if I was too late? What if they got killed on that night?"

"But you were right on time and saved them. A-Li and A-Xing are thankful for that Da-Ge. We all love you and A-Die and Baba weren't angry at you, they love you, they love us"

Wei Sizhui said taking his older brother's hand and pulled Wei Jianyu for a hug.

Wei Jianyu hugged back crying on his shoulder.

Wei Sizhui smiled and began to comfort his older brother whom he looked up to.

"We'll be here for you as well Da-Ge. You don't have to do everything yourself. We'll be here to help you"

Wei Sizhui said as he kept on comforting Wei Jianyu.


"I should be the one carrying you like this A-Yuan. I'm older than you"

Wei Jianyu said in his sleep and Wei Sizhui just smiled while carrying Wei Jianyu on his back.

"It's fine, you're not that heavy Da-Ge"

"But still..."

Wei Jianyu trailed off and began to snore softly. Wei Sizhui only shake his head at his older brother's sleep talking.

"A-Yuan! Da-Ge! There you are! We've been looking for you two for a while now"

Wei Chengmei said, dragging Wei Huaizhong as they looked at their two brothers.

"...why are you carrying Da-Ge?"

Wei Huaizhong asked confuse.

"He fell asleep so I carried him"

"Isn't he heavy? No offense to him though"

"No, he's not really heavy but I could use some help carrying him to the room he'll be staying"

"He's staying with me and A-Fang, your room is with A-Ling and A-Yi"

"Here, we'll take Da-Ge and you can go now to your room"

Wei Huaizhong said as he held Wei Jianyu only to almost trip if it wasn't for Wei Sizhui still holding their older brother.

"Er-Ge! Help me!"

Wei Chengmei laughed and then went to help to carry their older brother.

They then noticed his red swollen eyes.

"...was Da-Ge crying again?"

"Yea.. he was"

Wei Chengmei sigh and then carried Wei Jianyu on his back, he groaned a little.

"You said he wasn't heavy!"

"He isn't to me"

Wei Sizhui shrugged and then left his two older brothers to take care of their eldest.

"A-Yuan is stronger than us.."

"I agree, him and A-Xing are definitely the same"

They both nodded and then began to walk to their room while carrying Wei Jianyu.



"Oh..did I wake you up?"

Wei Sizhui said entering their shared room.

"No, I was still awake. Where were you? Your brothers were looking for you and Yu-Ge"

"We were just in the bunny cove..talking"

"Did Yu-Ge blamed himself again?"

Jin Ling asked in a concern voice and followed Wei Sizhui to his bed.

"Yea he did..."

"Is he okay now?"

"I guess. He fell asleep after crying"

"I hope Yu-Ge is okay. Don't worry too much A-Yuan, I'm sure Yu-Ge will be fine..."

Jin Ling said in reassurance and walked to his own bed.

"I'll be off to bed now, goodnight A-Yuan"

"Goodnight A-Ling"


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