6 - Disaster or opportunity

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I cant stop laughing when i see my team. All of them look at me. What happen boss, bible ask. Apo who are furious look at me sternly. Pete and jeff  look at me with wide open mouth.
Bright think i will push him from the plane. He face is white as a sheet and he dont even sleep because he scare, i say and continue laughing. Omg he is funny, pete said and all my team start laughing too except for apo.  You fly to singapore and turn back just to send him for his event, apo ask. Yup, he need help, i said still smiling. Its not funny , its stupid apo said. Yeah he is not stupid but cute, bible said and again all of us laugh and apo leave the room.  Check on him i said coldly and all my team just nod.
Thank you , i said and look at bible and leave them.

Its very fortunate that bible manage to notice a plan to hit bright when he rush the house who keep sending our picture to media. He notice a drawing on the table that show how will bright will hit by car at airport. Bible suspect they will use our maniac fanatic fan for this accident.  This is too much for just a picture. I know someone play a game behind this maniac fans. So because of that i personally send him to singapore and instruct my man for his security.
I just acting with my friend but i am agree with bible that he so cute.
I lay on my bed and i cant stop thinking of bright. He is the most ignorant person i ever meet. I notice he is checking on my  information from google. He suppose to be happy for having a scandle with someone like me but he look so worry and scare. I know he really dont want to see me again. His cute face say it all. I keep looking at our selfie. He look so cute and beautiful.  While i am being in deep thought i was disturb by my phone ring.

M: Hello grandpa
G :Where is he.
Mile: Who
G: That boy
M:Which boy
G: That cute boy
M: He told you his name.
G: So you know who is the cute one,
     Bring him back
M: No i cant
G : Why
M: He wont, he try to avoid me
G: Why
M: Because he just know who i am
G: Why
M: Grandpa stop asking
G: No, bring him at my birthday.
M: No we cant
G: Then i wont have my birthday party
M: Dont be a kid
G: I am serious and you know that
M: He is not my boyfriend.
G: He will be my grand son in law
M:Please grandpa. He scare of us
G: Why
M: Night grandpa.
G: No bright no party and and you know  what happen when i dont invite all   people from both world.
M: See u grandpa.

My grandpa know me so much. Even without a word he know how i felt.
I am trying to approach him slowly but it only a month before my grandpa birthday. I wont even care if it normal birthday like normal person. But my grandpa is the figure who link between two world. He look just like other grandpa but he is the meaning of peace between two world. As his next successor it will be a failure if i cant bring this two world together like every year from decades ago.  He know how crucial this party for me and he the most inteligent manipulator wont miss a chance to make sure i find my partner. I am quite happy because i know his plan to force me bring apo to this party.
He will make sure i have my own partner at his 70th birthday. The meaning of bringing partner also announcement to both world that, they dont need to send anyone to attract me and grandpa. That handsome oldman are annoyed and he dont prefer anyone from our world. Being with the leader of the biggest mafia and the richest businessman are consider a thicket to luxury and easy life. Just bringing our name will bring great fortune to anyone.

Sorry kitten, i cant stop the scandle yet. I know you are worry and scare but dont worry everything is under control. No one can touch you. Sent this picture to the some media who publish our picture, i finally give instruction to bible. Are you sure boss , bible reconfirm. Is he agree he ask me. He just know me too much too. I dont think bright will happy with this he said again. I know, but i need to do this. You should know what to do i said.

The media getting crazy. All the fans asking for the truth. I look how my manager wait for my instruction and like always i keep silent. All my team mate are in my office including apo. He look so angry but scare to yell. He know what this mean. He have no back up from my grandpa anymore. All my team are annoyed with apo when he is my grandpa choice. He try to control everything and try to act as my partner. I know what he like the most is my wealth not me as myself. i hope he will understand they will never success relation between me and him.
How is he , ask pete. Not too good. He has been  chase by singapore media, bible reply to pete. His fans are crying and worry. It will be tough, pete said loud and clear. I know they want to make sure i listen to them.  Boss the ceo already here jeff call me. Let them in i said. Welcome, i welcome gemm ceo and his team. They look really tense and worry.

After a small talk and ice breaking the ceo finally said. What should we do to stop all of this, i know bright is fault here. He already learn his lesson, he said. How much his contract value , and how much i need to pay to terminate his contract , i ask. What, the ceo ask a bit loud. He is our main artist, i cant let him go only for a simple picture, he said again. Yes you can, because his scandle is with me i said. You know how big this will impact my business and my image, i ask him back. I think even you sell your company, wont make up for my lost. I said firmly. He is very hardworking young guy with big future, he is just naughty and i really ask for forgiveness on behalf of bright. He is very sorry and he will make a confession that all of this are his fault. Can you help us the ceo ask sincerely.
Bible just smirk and look at me.
Mr ceo, you know how involve with Mr mile can be a big disaster. But it also can be a grand opportunity for him. Everyone will try to kiss him up if he is involve with mr mile in good way , bible said calmly. You should understand what i mean, bible said. To make it oppotunity and disaster is depend on you bible said again. The ceo look at him deeply and finally sigh.


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