9 - I promise i will run

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I quickly run to my manager and win. Where have you been , they ask me impatiently. I did not response to them and  just walk to the meeting room.
After i hear my management and how they try to ask me to meet phi mile, i finally announce that i already meet him. All of them look at me with big eyes. Bright we understand if you refuse. We wont blame you, we know how hard you work before this, my ceo said.  I never thought he someone like that, he look so polite and quiet all the time. Other management people said. All of them just nod. And i wont let any of my artist to become play toy, my ceo said. Now i am suprise, and look at him. What do you mean phi, i ask him. He look at me and slowly said. He want you, you should know what he mean. Do you agree with him, he ask worrily.
I dont know, but he ask me to marry him, i said and again all of them look at me like i am the most weird guy on earth. Marry, my ceo ask. I nod. He is weird right, i ask them. Omg bright, my manager hug me. Now all of then can breath easily. So are you agree win ask me. I have too, he said all of our fate depend on my answer, i said. See i told you before, he wont be cruel to you, my manager said. Win and others just nod. Since the scandal, you career smooth like usual. I know this kind of people can destroy you overnight, my manager said again. Omg you are so lucky, he add. Lucky, i ask him. You will be the young handsome richest guy partner, he scream happily.

Are you sure you are okay with this marriage, win ask me when we are alone. Of course not, but what choice we have, i ask him. He dont know me, i will make him divorce me in one day i said.
What are you planning win ask me excitedly. Wait and see, i said . But bright, he is scary. You should  know that, win try to remind me. That make me sad again. Yes he is. I am really scare i said and win just hug me. What should i tell mom, i ask win. Can you accompany me, i ask win. He quickly nod. So when will you are getting marry win ask me. Now it hit me for real. I dont know,  he never talk about that, i reply to win.

Its already two weeks after our meeting. He must be forgeting about me i said happily. A sentence from his secretary make all the media stop publishing any news regarding our scandal.

"We will arrange for press conference, any wrong and slander news will be directly go to our legal team"

Now i can work like usual. I think he just want to scare me. I am so thankful for that. I will thank him if i see him again.
I and win now enjoy ourself with playing games. Your phone , win yell at me when i am so absorb with the game.

"Hello mom"
"Come back now"
"What wrong"
"I will see you in one hour"
"But mom"
"You better start walking now"
" Okay mom:

What,i ask my mom when she coldly ask me about my marriage. What going on, i ask my mom. Your boyfriend come and see me yesterday to ask for your hand, and you still behave like a kids today, She yell at me. What , i scream loudly. I thought he already forget about me, i said. Stop being nuisance. He will pick u up this evening. Get ready, she said. Why, i ask her back. He want you  by his side before your marriage , because married to his family is not someone like us can handle. He ask permission to prepare for wedding himself. For security you need to be there my mom said clearly. How could you involve with someone  likw this, my mom ask and hug me. It not security, he just know i will try to run, i said in my heart. So the marriage is real.

Thank you mom, he said and hug my mom. She is my mom, i quickly said and hug her too. I am jelous when he hug my mom. Stupid, my mom said and hug me with tears. I will send someome to pick you up for marriage, phi mile said and bow to my mom. I can see my mom teary eyes.  I will back soon, i said also start teary too.  Luckily he dont behave like mute today. He properly greet and said good bye to my mom. I am really grateful for that.
Now i am crying slowly in his car. After a moment he pull me and hug me.  Stop crying, he said gently and pat my back.
I dont want to marry, i said and look at his eyes. He just look at me and cotinue patting my back. He is so mean, how could he dont say a word.

Its already three day i am here. I never see him after he ask his housekeeper to escort me to his room. What is he doing. Will he treat me like this forever. No one  ignore me like this. I am  bright the star. I quickly leave the room and one of the helper running to me. May i help you khun bright, he politely ask. Where is phi mile, i ask. He look a bit worry. Khun mile at back chamber the helper answer. Where, i ask him. I cant bring you there khun, he politely answer. Why, i ask him again. No one can go to back chamber without master permission. The helper explain to me. Tell him, if i dont see him today i will escape from this marriage, i said and close my room door. He must be crazy. How could he left me here.
I wont accept this.  I promise i will run if he dont see me today. I am crazy guy. I will do anything i could.


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