12 - Thank you

222 9 4


Win: picnic
Bright: Hiking
Both of them answer my question on the same time when i ask.
I know my team try hard to hold their laugh looking at this cute duo. They are famous for a reason. We cant take our eyes from them. They are talking with their eyes. Why are you here phi, he finally talk to me. Sea viewing, i reply casually. Why here, he ask angrily. Why not, i ask him. Because i want to, bright win interupt him. Because we plan to be here first, he said slowly.
Bible and jeff look at them with wide eyes. So how long both of you plan to stay here, i ask. Four, metawin reply. No, 2 days my fiance quickly correct his best friend. Really, i ask him. He quickly nod like a parrot. Are you finish, i ask him after a while. When will you go home phi, he ask me bravely. In two days, i said. Again he look at me angrily but he cant say a word. I really control myself now. He look so cute trying to hide his plan to run away from me.

He quickly get into his blanket when he see me wearing a tower from bath room
I know he still scare because of last time.
I notice he try to avoid sitting close to me. Now i felt a bit pity and regret. I should control myself. To make him comfortable, i just ignore him and focus on my tablet. When i am sure he already sleep i slowly pull his blanket and let him sleep comfortly. Naughty boy, i said and kiss his nose before continue working. At first i was angry when his bodyguard inform that he escape with metawin. Then, When i look at his tracker i immediately know where they are plan to go. All my team quickly prepare for the worst but at the end they keep laughing and teasing me when my run away groom manage to have lunch and napping without any worry. Both of them are so easy to read. My man drive as near as they could and very shock because they stop for napping. After all of this, i instruct the team to retrieve except for my security. I know, he dont even notice how i already block all route for him to escape, win look a bit shock when he see me , but because of his ignorant he forgot that they are running from me. He happily greet me. He only remember when  i pick his friend from his car but dont dare to do anything. Just like bright, he casually talk to bible who escort him to his room like they never plan to run. I dont even can get angry at him. I think if this happen with other person, he will say good bye to his life. But for this guy, I dont want the most popular bunny getting hurt in anyway. I need him to be my fiance bestman.

Now all my team speak slowly because my run away groom are sleeping soundly. Because of him, we have to continue our meeting here. Luckily this is one of our hotel. Both of them so differ from what we know, jeff said when we end our meeting. Its really suprise, pete said. I dont think they notice how they have been follow, bible add. I just keep silent listen to my friend. Stop scaring him. If not you will leave alone at altar bible said again. Dont be reckless, he is just innocent boy, bible add. What happen jeff ask. I dont know, but i saw how that kitten run for his life from back chamber, bible said. I only can laugh when bible seriously remind me.
Luckily they are ignorant. Imagine they are at island with this weather, jeff said
All of us nod because right now we have a  heavy storm. How is apo, pete ask. I dont know i reply. I know he is our friend, but we need to be careful bible said. I really dont understand why he become like that, pete said. Its all because of power and wealth, jeff said. Are you promise him something, bible ask me. I look at him with are you kidding look. I mean, he so obsess with you , bible said. After one big thunder i quickly look at my baby door. I dont know him fully yet so i am worry. Not long affer that the door was open and he run to me. I quickly hug him. Its okay, it just thunder, i said. He who now wearing his pyjama refuse to let me go. Then i have no choice but to let him sleep on my lap. Are you sure he is running from mile, jeff ask. All of them just keep silent and look at my baby who now sleeping in my arms. Lets go he need to rest, bible said and follow by jeff and pete. I just nod and look at my baby now. I slowly bring him to our bed. I need to become fitter. My baby really act like a baby. To handle 183 cm boy is not easy. Luckily being mafia and trained since young helping me now. With my injury its a bit difficult.
But hugging this beauty really calm me down. I love his smell and softness.

I now look at my husband who sleep because of tense and tiredness. He try his best today. I purposely choose my grandpa birthday to get marry. Its like a small present to him. It really nice to see how he keep hugging and kiss my husband. Luckily my super clingy husband accept him sincerely. Instead of sitting beside me he choose to be with my grandpa.  After a long ceremony he finally come to me to sleep. He really dont care how people look at him. He casually sit on my lap and hug me to sleep. Luckily all official event has been done. Now only close family and people in our garden. I Keep kissing his head between our conversation. He is very sweet, one of my grandpa close friend said. I just nod and my grandpa proudly announce how he is smart guy and very famous.  Grandpa can you wait, i will send him upstairs first, i said and my grandpa nod proudly. After sending our last guest finally i assist my grandpa to his room. Thank you, he said and hug me tight.


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