2: Academy Graduation

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When Naruto was 10. Danzo wanted to recruit him. He went to Hiruzen to discuss the matter.

"Let me train the jinchuriki Hiruzen. With my training methods he will become the perfect weapon for the village" Danzo

"The village's weapon more like your weapon." Hiruzen thought

Danzo was expecting Hiruzen to say no but he surprised him.

"Train him if you want to. You will find him at the Senju clan compound.If that is all you may leave Danzo." Hiruzen

"Something is wrong. Hiruzen would never agree to something like this." Danzo thought suspicious

''Danzo you are in a for surprise. Naruto will destroy you." Hiruzen thought

Next day
Danzo send a root anbu to go get Naruto.

"What do you want.'' Naruto

"My master wants to meet you." Root anbu

Naruto decided to with the root anbu. The root anbu grabbed Naruto's shoulder and used the body flicker technique.

When Naruto arrived at Roots base. He was greeted by Danzo.

"So what do want from me old man." Naruto

"I want to train you. As the village's asset you need proper training. Training you would not get from others considering their prejudice towards you." Danzo

"I don't need training from a human. If that is all I will be leaving now." Naruto

"Has Hiruzen told you about your parents." Danzo

"No he hasn't" Naruto

"I thought so. I would be willing to tell you in exchange for training you." Danzo

"I am not interested." Naruto

Danzo was using Kotoamatsukami. Naruto was unaffected by it. He tried direct eye contact and still didn't work.

"What is going. Why isn't Kotoamatsukami working on him." Danzo thought

"If genjutsu does not work on you. Then I will have to use force." Danzo

He ordered his anbu to attack Naruto. Naruto was surrounded by root anbu.

Naruto creates a trident.

"Medusa Alope Demeter" Naruto

Medusa Alope Demeter:Naruto unleashes trident strikes that combine his divine might and godly speed, attacking from every possible direction. The speed is such that it creates a dome of afterimages surrounding his opponent.

 The speed is such that it creates a dome of afterimages surrounding his opponent

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As Danzo saw Naruto massacre his men He thought"

"Did Hiruzen knew this would happen." Danzo thought

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