5:Land Of Waves 2

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"What are you gonna teach us Sensei." Sakura

What I am going to teach you is not taught at the academy. It's considered dangerous to do without supervision, so they let us Jōnin Sensei teach it instead. I think you guys are finally ready to learn it." Kakashi

So what is it"Sakura

I will teach you how to climb trees" Kakashi

If that is all I will be leaving now" Naruto

Naruto this technique is very useful it will allow to use your chakra more efficiently " Kakashi

A God has no need to walk on trees."Naruto said before making a tornado.

He jumped on the tornado and rode away from Tazuna's house.

Kakashi was surprised and Sasuke was jealous.

"He can also use wind style." Kakashi thought surprised

"Damn dobe" Sasuke

Kakashi created a clone to oversee Sasuke and Sakura's training so that he could protect Tazuna while he is building the bridge.

Sakura did beter than Sasuke in Tree Climbing. He was struggling.

After Sakura finished scaling her tree, which took less than two hours, clone Kakashi took her to a forest pool for Water Walking, which she finished by the end of the day. Her progress was truly astounding, despite her lack of stamina.

While Sasuke and Sakura were training Naruto walked around in the land of waves.While walking around he saw the effect of Gato's rule had on Wave.Every where he walked he saw starving children and adults.As Naruto saw this he sweared would give Gato a terrible death.

After walking a while Naruto made his way to a forest. There he stumbles upon a young lady picking herbs in a forest. Naruto could tell by her aura it was the hunter nin.

Good afternoon miss"Naruto

The fake hunter-nin was surprised to hear Naruto. She quickly he hid her surprised expression and greeted Naruto

Good afternoon sir"Fake Hunter Nin

Would you like me to help you with picking herbs."Naruto

She accepted Naruto's offer.While picking the herbs they talked.

So miss what's your name.My name is Naruto Poseidon Uzumaki."Naruto

My name is Haku."Haku

"It is nice to meet you Haku.Haku for who are you picking these herbs"Naruto

"They are for my precious person."Haku

Your precious person."Naruto

Naruto do have someone precious to you."Haku

"I do " Naruto said as he thought of Anko and his friends

Naruto I believe when people are protecting something truly precious to them. They truly can become as strong as they need to be." Haku

"Is that so." Naruto

"Yes." Haku

"So if I tried to kill Zabuza you would muster up enough strength to beat me. What a joke" Naruto

"He knows." Haku thought as she got on guard

"Did you think you could fool a God." Naruto said as he created multiple weapons

"So this is how I die. I am sorry Zabuza-Sama I failed you" Haku thought as saw she the weapons that surrounded her

Naruto snapped his fingers and made the water disappear.

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