Naruto's Abilities

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Godly Strength

Godly Speed ​​& Reflexes

Godly Stamina & Endurance

Hand to Hand Expert:While preferring to fight with a trident Naruto is a highly capable unarmed fighter.

Genjutsu Immunity

Kurama Chakra Mode

Uzumaki Chakra Chains

Substitution Jutsu

Transformation Jutsu

Immense Chakra

Semi-immortality: As a God, Naruto is incapable of dying due to old age.

Trident Proficiency: Naruto wields his trident with godly skill and proficiency, being able to deliver dozens of blows in the blink of an eye.

Hydrokinesis:Naruto can control great volumes of water to a very high degree.He can dry himself and items (such as a lighter) underwater as long as he holds onto it, extract water from petrified seashells, create oxygen bubbles underwater for people who cannot breathe underwater, propel himself through water, summon waves that can easily sink opponents, as well as control water in order to make it explode or use it to grab something.

Water Solidification: Naruto can harden water into an almost solid shape by increasing the surface tension of the water. He can use this power to walk on water and create a strong water shield.

He can change the form of water at will to liquid, solid and to gas.

Hydrogenesis: Naruto can create water using his own power. With it he is able to create an ocean at will.

Vitakinesis : Naruto can heal most wounds and cure most poisons when in contact with water.

Atmokinesis : Naruto can control weather. He can summon storms such as hurricanes or rainstorms.(Poseidon is also the God of storms, earthquakes and horses in ancient Greek religion.)

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