4: Land Of Waves 1

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Timeskip 1 month
After a series of uneventful D-rank missions. Team 7 are fed up with the missions they have received so far.

At hokage tower
"Now... Team 7 your next duty is... hmm.... Babysitting an elder's grandson, shopping in the neighboring village, and help with potato digging." The Hokage listed

Naruto glared at him.

"Maybe I should give them a C-Rank mission" Hiruzen thought

"Kakashi do you think they are ready for a C-Rank Mission" Hiruzen

"I believe they are. If there comes trouble I will handle it." Kakashi

"Ok if you want it. I'll give you a C-rank mission. It's a protection mission of a certain individual." The Hokage said

The door opens and a man comes in

"Team 7 meet Tazuna" Hiruzen

"So this the team who is going to protect me. A pretty boy, a cyclops, a boy with duckbut hair and useless girl." Tazuna

"This Guy!!! How dare he insult me and Sasuke-kun .I'll kill him!!" Sakura shouts and wants to strike him, but Kakashi holds her back.

"Calm down Sakura he is the one who we are supposed to protect, what's the point if we kill him?" Kakashi said

"Well I am the super expert brige builder Tazuna, I expect you to provide me super protection until I get back to my country and complete the bridge." Tazuna said

"Okay team let's meet at the gate tomorrow. Bring your equipment and pack necessary food and other things you will need" Kakashi

Few hours later
Anko and Naruto decided to have another lovemaking session for the whole day.

Timeskip next day

At the gate

"Let's go" Kakashi said as they leave

"Am I really safe with you guys??" Tazuna asks

"Don't worry I'm a Jounin" Kakashi replys

"Ummm.Tazuna-san?" Sakura asks

What?" Tazuna

"Well you're from Wave country right? Do you have ninjas in your country?"Sakura

''Of course they do Sakura. Are help is definitely not needed."Naruto said with sarcasm

"Naruto don't make fun of Sakura. No, not in the Wave country. But in most other countries the culture may be different but hidden villages exist, and so do ninjas." Kakashi answer the question

They walked passed puddle. Naruto sensed two signatures coming from the puddle.

"A puddle?. It has not rain for days."Kakashi thought

Kakashi figured out this was a enemy waiting to ambush them.

As they walked past the puddle. The puddle formed into two ninjas and they charged at Kakashi first, with a chain. Before they could reach him Naruto appeared in front Kakashi with a trident.

"Amphitrite" Naruto

"Amphitrite" Naruto

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