7:Anko Vs Orochimaru

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Our youthful students should be taking the first part of the exam by now!" Gai said with enthusiasm.

"Huh? You say something Gai?" Kakashi responded in a dull tone

"Gah! Curse you and your hip attitude Kakashi." The green beast said back.

Asuma and Kurenai just looked at this familiar scene with amusement.

The four Jounin were lounging around, watching the exam from a monitor.

"How about we make a little friendly wager?" Asuma asked, interupting Gai's ranting, making the other three Jounin look at him with interest.

"What kind of wager?" Kurenai asked curiously.

"A wager about which of our Genin teams will do the best in the chunin exams." Asuma explained with a grin.

"A most youthful idea, I wager 5000 ryo on my students." Guy eagerly agreed.

"I'll join in on that. 5000 ryo on my team...well Naruto and Sasuke at least." Kakashi said lazily. Sakura had been improving lately, but she had been so far behind that if the other two weren't so strong, he would never have considered letting them participate in the exam.

"As expected from my eternal rival!"

"I'll put 5000 ryo on my team, though I think only Shikamaru is going to make it to the finals." Asuma joined in with a bet of his own.

There was silence for a while before Asuma spoke up again. "Aren't you going to bet on your team Kurenai."

"Well, I'll bet 5000 ryo anyway. I'd feel like a terrible teacher if I didn't have any faith in my team. I'm pretty sure that at least one of them will make it to the finals at least."

Naruto stared at the questions on the written test in front of him. He knew the answers to some of them

After the scarred man had introduced himself as Morino Ibiki, the proctor of the first phase of the exam, he had told them the rules for this test and left them to sweat over the ridiculously hard questions.

Naruto had been suspicious ever since he had heard that getting caught cheating would only cost them two points and now seeing the too hard test only solidified that impression.

"We have to cheat." Naruto thought

Now the problem was how exactly he could cheat. He had no bloodlines that he could use to gather information and he didn't have any other tricks he could use either.

Getting caught cheating will result in a loss of two points.

As long as he only got caught cheating once, then it didn't matter how obvious he was, as long as he got all the answers in one try.

The God scoped out the other Genin to see who seemed to be filling out the test with the most competence. Several people appeared to have caught on already and were busily writing answers onto their tests.

Who are they copying it from?

Naruto spotted the chunin that were disguised as genin.

He surmised that they were planted so that there was someone to cheat off of.

Naruto smirked to himself. Naruto decided to lay back with his feet on the desk. He would wait for the planted Chunin to fill out the test and then make his move. He never noticed Hinata next to him looking over at him with curiosity. She would have been worried, but the blond looked so utterly unconcerned that she could only deduce that he had a plan.

At the front of the classroom, Ibiki looked over at the blond as well. He had no idea what the God was playing at, but he looked cooler than an iceberg, all the stress that the others were under not even touching him.

NARUTO:GOD OF THE SEASWhere stories live. Discover now