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Hidden amidst the dense Forest of Death, Kabuto, Yoroi, and Misumi observed the unfolding battle between Anko and Orochimaru with bated breath.

Kabuto, his usually calm demeanor tinged with a hint of anxiety, watched intently as the two clashed. His thoughts raced as he observed the power and skill displayed by both combatants. Anko has grown stronger, he mused, impressed by her tenacity and resolve. But Orochimaru-sama is not to be underestimated.

Beside him, Yoroi clenched his fists, his jaw set in a grim line." Is this the end for Orochimaru-sama? he wondered

After Orochimaru's defeat

Misumi, his eyes wide with disbelief, struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. Orochimaru-sama, defeated? The thought seemed unfathomable to him

Kabuto thought" This cannot be happening."

"It can't be Orochimaru-Sama lost" Yoroi thought

Anko's keen eyes scanned the area, her senses sharp and alert. With a commanding tone, she addressed the hidden mice.

Startled by Anko's callout, Kabuto, Misumi, and Yoroi exchanged wary glances, their hearts racing with apprehension. Anko's direct acknowledgment sent a shiver down their spines, knowing they had been discovered.

Before they could react, Anko unleashed a powerful wave of water towards their concealed positions, her intention clear. The trio scattered.

The water crashed through the forest, tearing through trees and the ground.
When the chaos subsided and the water settled, Anko thought" So they escaped"


As Anko concluded her report on the events in the Forest of Death, Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Third Hokage, listened intently, his expression grave and contemplative. As she spoke of Orochimaru's defeat and demise, a shadow of concern crossed his features.

Once Anko finished, a heavy silence lingered in the room, broken only by the sound of the wind rustling through the leaves outside. Hiruzen's mind churned with thoughts as he pondered the implications of Orochimaru's actions.

"What was Orochimaru after?" he murmured, more to himself than to Anko. The question hung in the air, unanswered and unsettling. As the former sensei of Orochimaru, Hiruzen knew better than most the depths of his former student's ambition and cunning.

Anko shifted uncomfortably, sensing the weight of Hiruzen's inquiry. "I'm not sure, Hokage-sama," she replied honestly. "But whatever it was, it couldn't have been anything good."

Hiruzen nodded, his expression grim. "Indeed," he said quietly. "Orochimaru's schemes have always been shrouded in darkness.

At the Tower

As Kurotsuchi and her team arrived at the Tower after Team 7, she couldn't help but feel impressed that they cleared the exam first.. Making her way over to Naruto, she flashed him a playful grin, her interest piqued by Kabuto's info she had heard about his abilities.

"Hey there, handsome," Kurotsuchi said, her tone teasing as she approached Naruto. "I must say, I'm impressed that you guys arrived first."

Naruto couldn't help but smirk arrogantly. "Well, what can I say? When you're a God, being impressive comes naturally," he replied, his confidence evident in his tone.

Kurotsuchi chuckled, unfazed by Naruto's arrogance. "Is that so?" she said, raising an eyebrow. "Well, I've heard some interesting things about you, god. Seems like you've got quite the reputation. Surpassing Tobirama Senju at such a young "

Naruto's smirk widened, reveling in the attention. "It's only natural," he said, his voice dripping with self-assurance. "I am the God Of the Seas"

Kurotsuchi leaned in closer, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Well then, God of the Seas," she said, her tone playful. "I'm curious to see just how powerful you really are. I can't wait to find ?"

NARUTO:GOD OF THE SEASWhere stories live. Discover now