Chapter 27: That's my lover

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I roll around on our bed and pat around to find Zee. I slowly open my eyes to not seeing him on the bed. I immediately sat up straight and look around the room.

Where is this boy?

I got off the bed and opened the door to go downstairs. I walk down the steps and saw rose petals on the staircases. I followed the trail of rose petals leading to the kitchen where I saw large gifts on the kitchen counter.

I walked over to the counter and looked at the different gifts. Teddie bears, perfume and lotion sets, and hoodies.

Are these for me, because if they are I'm going to cry.

I turn around and saw Zachary with a fresh bouquet. I gasp and he smiles at me, walking towards me.

"What is all of this?" I questioned, fidgeting with our matching bracelets.

"Go upstairs and get ready," He responded, kissing me on the corner of my lip.

I go back upstairs and started brushing my teeth. He's wearing something nice so I have to also.


I put my strawberry lip balm on and look at myself in the mirror. This is the first time I thought I looked gorgeous.

I walked downstairs and saw Zachary sitting down on the couch, watching TV.

"I'm ready," I shouted at him, walking towards him.

He got up and lightly grabbed my hand. He leaned in and kissed my forehead, then caressed my cheek.

"You look beautiful principessa," he whispered in my ear.

He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged him back and he put his head on my neck. I could smell his strong cologne, envelope my nose. I felt my heart flutter and my cheeks flush as I melted into his embrace.

"I love you so much," he mumbled, kissing my neck while he was still hugging me.

"I love you too," I noted, hugging him tighter.

He finally lets go of me and he grabs his keys. He takes my hand and we walked out the door. I look at him and smiled as he opened the car door for me.

I get inside and he closes the car door, making his way to the other side. He started driving and had his hand on my thigh.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, taking a sip out of his drink.

"You'll see," he replied.


I rolled the window down and looked outside. We were on a long bridge with tons of traffic.

"Oh I forgot to say, t-thank for the gifts you got me," I gently told him.

He looked at me and our eyes locked with each other.

"Anything for you," he spoke, staring at my lip.

I bit my bottom lip and looked away, feeling my face heat up. We started driving again and I pulled out my phone, looking for my brother's contact.

Please tell me he's okay and he'll pick up the phone.

I dialed his number and put my phone by my ear.

"Hello?" Carlo uttered.

"Baby, oh my gosh I missed you so much!" I beamed.

Carlo giggled and I heard movement.

"I miss you too, w-where have you been?" he hesitated.

"A lot has been happening but I'm okay. I will come get you tomorrow okay? How are you, are you okay?" I gushed, with tears forming in my eyes.

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