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waking up was something miyu suddenly hates, she was sure that daiki heard her crying

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waking up was something miyu suddenly hates, she was sure that daiki heard her crying.

if not that then he wouldnt be looking at her with so much worry in his eyes, he was fullowing like usual while she was wearing a dark blue top with black spagetti straps and blue soccer shorts that she got from a certain someone, after she mentioned that she liked those shorts because they were comfy.

daiki was wearing his usual, a black dress shirt with grey jeans while holding her ipad in his hands and a phone in the other.

"are you sure you are okay miss miyu?" he asks her again, the question made her pop a vein that was growing with each time he would ask that.

while she ignored him the girl walks into the waiting room for the games, 3 vs 3, and looks around, laying her eyes on a tall blonde. what made him stand out so much were his pink tips that seemed dyed, his pink eyecolor and his beautiful eyeliner along with his blond lashes.

she didnt see many with blonde eyelashes and was grinning, tho that was short when daiki asks the question again while looking down to his hands immediately, now noticing why she ignored it.

he got the shit card for sure now. that was the sentence in his mind.

due to wearing short and sneakers it was easy for miyu to suddenly jump up and kicking her right leg towards his head, barely missing his hair as he bend down a bit to avoid her kick.

it wasnt the first time that happened, but he made a mental note to not asks her the question if she ignored it purposfully.

when she lands on her feet again without any problem and with perfect balance, she huffs. "dont ask that again. i ignored it on purpose."

daiki nods quickly, handing her the tablet with the profile of her choice on display.

taking it she turns around, looking at it before looking up again to meet the players eyes.

"i'm searching for a.." she pauses, looking at the name again and cursing herself for not knowing how to pronounce it, curse her multible languages and accents. "ryu..anyone names ryu?"

she scratches her head sighing, "blonde hair with pink tips, pink eyes, maybe this tall?" she asks showing her height of the player.

said player stood a bit further behind the crowd, walking forwards with confident steps he pushes the players to the side with his hands in his pockets.

"here i am." he says, clearly amused by her choice of calling him out.

"perfect, we'll watch your match that'll happen in.." she pauses clicking her fingers together as a sign for daiki to say the time.

"12 minutes." he answers.

"right.." miyu nods, "in 12 minutes to determine if you're worth for my attention and sponsor."

"you wont regret it!" he says happily, winking to her.

miyu smiles, "how to you pronounce your name?" tilting her head to the side.

some players snicker at the question as her expression quickly changes, "i dont recall asking for a parrot to laugh at command."

the players quickly shut up before she looks at him again, the smile present on her face yet again.

"shidou ryusei..and you are sato miyu.." shidou says, interested in her.

"glad we're on the same page of name knowing. i bet you have to warm up, do you not?" miyu sasses.

turning around she leaves the room again, this time walking down the hallway to the room that held the 4 vs 4 teams, now she was tensed. knowing that her favorites of all were in this room.

due to the given pass from ego-san, miyu was able to enter the rooms without problem.

walking in with her head held high and her ipad in her hands she walks towards the one that sat on the floor as he was too lazy to stand.

standing infront of him she noticed how spaced out he was, sighing she croaches down lifting his chin with her soft hand.

not only did it suprise him but also the others, watching her closely as she tilts his head from left to right, leaning closer to admire his eyes.

she hums in approval, "you'll be a promise." she comments.

standing up she looks down on him with her hooded eyes, "you wont have to do much, just posing for the camera will be enough. it wont be a hassle, seishiro." she says, her tone darker at the end as she emphrased his first name in a french accent like her whole sentence.

nagi closes his eyes, mentally smiling at the approval from her, nodding his head she heard her footsteps going to the other side of the room.

the eyes of others still following her closely yet again as she stands infront of the boy the same age of her.

she smiles happily, holding her hand towards him, "i'm sato miyu, future sponsor of yours."

the male looks at her hand before her eyes, holding a bored and kind of annoyed look on his face.

"and if i dont want to?" he asks simple.

the girl chuckles, her low chuckles turning into laughs that were loud enough for daiki to wince. she looks over her shoulder, facing daiki in disbelieve and craziness.

"did he just ask that question?" she asks still laughing.

daiki nods curtly, halting her laughing. turning her face back towards the boy she grabs his sleeve to get him on her level, the action startling the boy slightly.

she grabs his chin, "what a sight, you're perfect for the collection and yet you dont want to?"

he nods a tiny bit as her grip tightens on his chin, leaning forward she heard his breath hitch a bit.

she looks into his eyes as if studying him, "you do have better looks that him."

now the boy clenches his jaw, successfully falling for what she wanted.

"now now, rin rin.." she coes, "atleast i wont choose you're brother over you wont i?"

she lets go of his chin, turning around and walking away a few steps before turning to look at him over her shoulder, "although he is begging me to accept him again. so what will it be? you? itoshi rin. or your brother? itoshi sae."

she heard his curse under his breath as she walks back towards daiki who was at the entrance, as he was looking to her, he walks a few steps towards her. grabbing her shoulder and turning her around, suprising the others in the room.

"never mention him again." he grits out.

"if you join, i wont let you hear his name in the company one time. if you do report it to me and i'll fire them for you." she states, a happy smile on her face.

he nods his head before turning around to go back, missing how her smile turned more crazed.

she chuckles as she skips out of the room with a jump in her steps.

she chuckles as she skips out of the room with a jump in her steps

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