
434 21 16

her eyes dulled in milliseconds, if he was honest he didnt expect that, staring at him in the eyes

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her eyes dulled in milliseconds, if he was honest he didnt expect that, staring at him in the eyes.

he noticed the way her redish beautiful eyes had this dangerous glow in their eyes. it reminded him of his own eyes. the colour difference between the two almost unnoticable.

„none of your business."

there was a long silence that followed with miyu just staring at him with the same eyes before they returned to normal and she cleared her throat.

„by the way. i hate matcha latte."

he looks at her in shock as she confessed that.

„but you said you love it!" he exclaims.

„that was two years ago.." she says softly.

„right. two years ago.."

miyu stands up, taking her phone in hand. taking a few steps to seijuro who stood up aswell she places a soft kiss on his cheek, „i'm sorry but i have to go. i have to see the last training session for them as i promised him."

he nods his head and sees her turn around, walking out of the cafe and calling someone.

she walks down the street, passing the window that they sat at. she looks inside and makes eye contact with him before someone grabs her arm and yanks her away.

seijuro stands up and looks out, he didn't recognise the man and was worried so he quickly followed her out in case she was being taken away.

miyu yelled in protest and tried to yank her arm out of their grip but when she saw the ring on his finger she knew who it was, looking up as quick as whipsplash she found red hair and teal eyes looking at her.

looking around she noticed they were in an alley near the cafe. she scoffs and turns around to leave but he held her back.

„please. you dont answer my calls and messages. i need to talk to you!"

„why?! you left the company i have no business with you anymore!" miyu states.

anger and disbelieve in her tone was evident. seijuro — who stood behind the brick wall — listened in on their conversation.

„i'm sorry! it was a mistake please i beg you to take me back under contract!"

miyu shakes her head, „you left! i dont chase what doesent want to stay. you knew the consequences, i told you that as soon as you leave you wont be taken back! it is the one thing we agreed on!"

„please i cant have rin take my place away from me! he isnt good enough to go professional yet."

miyu stares at him, a blank look on her face as she takes a step towards him, he was still holding her arm.

„so this is about rin?" she scoffs, „i knew it! thats why you want to play in the u-20 right?! you want to see your little brother be miserable yet again!"

„no it's not like that! i swear he isnt ready yet!"

„you arent ready for it." she states, „you took all the love away from him! he works his ass off because he thinks that if he wins this stupid match he'll get recognised by you but we both know that wont happen."

„you'll find someone else that you recognise and then you spit it in his face and hurt him all over again just like that. just like how you did when you came back from spain."

„miyu please..i want to be in your company."

„no! nuh-uh. do you want to hear it in spanish? no!! so go get your ass out of my view before i'll beat it up myself." miyu states, firm and honest towards the male infront of her.

„you'll just up and leave again i see nothing in accepting you again. and besides that, what do you think would it look like if you came back to me? people will talk! i dont need more rumors about me than i already have!" miyu kept her straight face, he had the audacity to come back begging at her.

„are you nuts?! no one cares about the rumors about you!"

„of course i do! how can i not? i have a bigger career than you ever will, people look up to me, they just wait for something to happen to gossip about!" she scoffs, „besides, i dont want you in my company, i have your brother and if you like it or not, he actually gave a fuck when i had a panic attack!!"

„miyu you have to understand."

„no i honestly dont have to, daiki-nii says that i have responsibilities to keep up. it'll look like you're toying with me and i dont want that. so i guess you have to search a different company. just a tipp, think before you act like a dumbass, sae." she states, ripping her arm out of his hold and takes her leave.

when she turns the corner she made eye contact with seijuro, her red eyes were in slits as she glares his way and just when he opens his mouth she brushed past him.

quickly getting inside the car haru was in waiting she left the scene.

💌 ¡! chae here: gotta pre-write my chaps soon as i got school next week and i dont think i can write as much

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💌 ¡! chae here:
gotta pre-write my chaps soon as i got school next week and i dont think i can write as much. the year that i have now is important for me so i try focusing on that so yea, i'll def pre-write my chaps and update as i can!!

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