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having arrived at the cafe miyu was a bit nervous, she hadnt seen him for two years and, not that he knew about that, she saw him at the winter cup

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having arrived at the cafe miyu was a bit nervous, she hadnt seen him for two years and, not that he knew about that, she saw him at the winter cup.

she didnt tell him about that but he did change a lot before the game started, his aura was different and he had this superior thing about him.

but after his former teammate won against him he was back to the one she knew. the one she fell secretly in love with.

going inside the bell signaled her arrival, many heads turned in her direction. mostly boys, but that wasnt anything new to her.

but who wouldnt look at her, a beautiful girl with redish hair and pretty red eyes walks inside in a black skirt that had a small slit on the side, her white blouse that was tucked inside of it along with a cropped black blazer that made her look more elegant. her black boots with heels that made her footsteps audible just captivated the attention.

she had her hair in a high ponytail and a black berret on her head, her shiny eyeshadow, that she got from korea, her pinkish lip tint that she also got from korea and the small almost unnoticeable freckles on her cheeks that were only seen if you stood closely by her.

she was a sign to behold, an angel that is actually a small devil.

black and red did look good on her, the redheaded male had to give her that. no he rightfully gave her that.

walking towards the table she still felt eyes if several people on her but she didnt mind. her eyes were locked on his.

sitting down and placing her phone on the table next to her arm she smiles at him.

„long time no see sei-cchi.." she greets.

„so you did adopt the habit from him huh?" he asks or more like states.

she laughs a bit, „well when you get guided by  someone through the school on the first day of first year things happen." she answers.

„how are you?" he asks softly.

miyu purses her lips and turns her head away a bit, looking at the floor, „better than ever."

„you're lying." stated the male.

„maybe, maybe not. how are you?" she asks in return.

„better, i'm not the one that is superior and all anymore." he answers, „have you been practising?"

the air turned thicker after that question and miyu lost the smile that was on her face and now a blank look was on her face, „yea of course i have."

„you're lying again." he sighs, „so you havent. is it because of-"

„dont." she interrupts, „they ruined my life as it is. you know we werent a family out of fairy tails."

„no you werent but it doesent mean you have to stop." he states, hand reaching hers.

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