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when miyu arrived and is seen walking down the hallway she is stopped by the boy she requested the new phone for

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when miyu arrived and is seen walking down the hallway she is stopped by the boy she requested the new phone for.

"miyu-chan.." he mumbles, sloughing towards her.

"seishiro?" she asks, "what are you doing here? shouldnt you be training?"

seishiro nods, "yea but i was too lazy and when i searched for my phone i couldnt find it."

miyu nods, knowing she took it to replace it with his new one. "come.."

she takes his hand, leading him towards her room. it was tidy and organized as they went inside.

making her way over to the bad she lets him sit down before walking to the door to get something out of her handbag.

her phone.

walking back to him she takes off his old cleats and shin guards, letting him go further into the bed. she sighs as a smile came to her lips.

she knew he was exhausted, well he was always lazy but she noticed the look in his eyes. he wasnt too lazy to keep practising, no they sent him back because he was exhausted.

when seishiro was laying on his left side, cuddled up in her bed she tucks him in.

the smell of strawberrys and vanilla entering his senses as his eyes become droppy. he hums in approval with a small smile before closing his eyes.

miyu laughs quietly, getting to her closet and taking out a white bunny plush that she packed with her, placing it beside him as he immediately cuddled it.

there she stood, staring into space as she thought about her life. oh how she wished she could still play and have the exciting feeling within her, the beauty of it.

she remembers the days she argued with her parents about it, about her dream to go professional. the dream that they destroyed by simply dying, not even fighting to stay alive.

after she became the ceo of the company and she had athletes joining, she knew rumors would be made.

but by far the one she heard the most was mor than bad, an unknown person saying she would use her body to better the relationship.

she remembers the nights she cried about it, the nights that seemed endless and the tears she spilled for them.

she isnt using her body, let alone anything inapprotiate for her age. in facts she uses her charm, her dimples, the cute smiles, the extrovert side of her that allows to begin conversations and the understanding she tries to get for the athletes.

she didnt make them love her, she just wanted a stable relationship. what would a hate relationship bring her? definitely not the relationship and professional she wants.

even if one of her athletes would love her, she wouldnt go into a relationship that is based on benefits for the other.

she wanted to feel loved, supported and understood. she wanted to have a friend to cry to and a boyfriend to say 'i love you so' but it was as if the world didnt let her be happy.

always ripping those away she once found comfort in.

the hugs, the cuddles on late nights, the kakao breaks after work, the happiness, the laughs that are shared, the memories and the soulmate she wanted.

she didnt noticed a tears falls out of her eyes as she thinks about it all.

a sudden warmth on her wrist snapped her out of the state she was in before, looking down she makes eye contact with a sleepy seishiro with the bunny plush in his arms.

"why are you crying?" he asks in a quiet voice.

miyu quickly pads the tears from her face, "its nothing, go back to sleep sei."

seishiro knitted his brows in confusion before tugging her, resulting in her stumbling into her bed, next to him.

he places the plush behind him before encircling her with his arms, hugging the girl to his chest as he hears her soft cries, the silent pleas to make the pain stop.

he strokes her pinkish hair as he hugs her tighter but not suffocating her.

"if your exhausted you should sleep aswell." he says in a soft tone as she lets out a small laugh.

"maybe i should do that." she says, looking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek, "arigato seishiro, for being here."

squishing her face into his chest to avoid him seeing her flustered face she regulates her breathing and falls asleep.

the boy himself was blushing, he didnt understand why she cried but if she didnt want to tell him he would accept that. was she sad because of something? maybe, but she wouldnt tell him if he asked.

it was late at night when miyu woke up, she was still in seishiro's arms. she looks around her room trying to find something to stare at when she saw a white box and a small bag with equipment in it.

cautiously untangling herself from seishiro she stands up and takes the box, opening it and seeing a beautiful iphone 13 in blue, a clear phonecase being in the bag along with new headphones.

she smiles as she starts to set up his new phone. downloading the games she remembers him talking about and taking a few pictures as the desklamp was still on.

going back to bed with his phone in hand she decided he needed a new lockscreen, that was resulting in her taking pictures with him sleeping in the background.

she settled on the picture when she smiles brightly, doing a heart gesture near his sleeping face. she found it cute and airdropped a few to herself.

sighing she sets the phone on the bedside table and goes back into seishiro's arms, she likes cuddling. now that she had him.

when she woke up she saw him still sleeping, it was around 10 am and he should normally be practising at the moment.

when she stands up she goes through the bag and take his new cleats, setting them along with the bunny and the new phone on the bedside table.

she writes a small cute note, letting him know she was in the cafeteria to east late breakfast. placing it next to the phone she goes to her closet and takes black bicycle shorts with pockets and a blue shirt from her last collection.

she wears her bunny slippers before taking her phone and leaving the room to let him have more rest.

she wears her bunny slippers before taking her phone and leaving the room to let him have more rest

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