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a few days went by as the players had to learn a bit english to help them communicate with others better

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a few days went by as the players had to learn a bit english to help them communicate with others better.

miyu was in her room listening to music, kpop to be presise. when she was younger she would always visit her cousins in korea for a change in scenery.

tomorrow x together's 0x1=lovesong was playing in the background when she decided she would go and get dinner.

she was using the cafeteria with the players aswell, tho she was alone these past few days as daiki had to attent a few meetings and have the company in eyes as a bit drama arrised.

walking down the hallway she hums the song, arriving there she walks inside, seeing rin and his team. she ignores them while she was deep in thought about her company.

getting her food she sits down a bit away at an empty table, peacefully eating. a few minutes went by before her phone lights up, indicating she had a message.

pickin it up andopening her phone, reading the message from daiki. without noticing she lets her spoon fall out of her hands as her breathing got a bit heavier.

the grip on her phone got tighter and some could see her white knuckles, already leaving the room quickly as to not anger her further.

one boy had his suspisions tho as to what was happening to her. so when she stood up with, running a hand through her hair and her shaky breathing, he decided to follow her.

miyu didnt look around when she left the room, her arm helping her balance on the hallway walls as she stumbles to her room. her lungs felt tighter and she began to choke on nothing as she begins to hyperventilate and panicking more.

rounding a corner she finally collapses on the floor, her breathinggg sounded hallow and tears began to pickle her beautiful eyes as she was there helplessly.

footsteps were heard by her ears as she shut her eyes tightly, not wanting to see who it is. here breathing still shaking and she gasps more and more to the point she thought she would join her parents sooner than later.

"miyu-san.." a cold yet soft voice came, she knew who it was it was no puzzle to finish.

"miyu-san!" the voice tried again but it was muffled through her pain, rasing his voice he began shaking her shoulders, "miyu!?"

finally hearing it, she opens her eyes, the redness around her eyes almost matched her eyecolor as they stared at the complete opposite, the teal eyes that she admired as they look like diamonds in her eyes.

"breath, okay? miyu you need to breath." he instructed her.

she chokes again, "i-i cant breath. it hurts please make it s-stop." she says in a very shaky voice.

it hurt him to see her like that, he didnt know why but he wanted to help her, quickly deciding he cups her cheeks.

"miyu concentradeon my breathing, breath in and out.." he says and he pulls her into a hug.

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