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Y/n noticed him first, hearing the all to familiar sound of his teleport, he whipped around, "Sans!" He called exitiedly. "Finally back buddy?"

There was no jovial joke or smile. Sans just stood there. Defeated. His head hung and his clothes torn, his eyes missing their eye lights.

"Sans..?" Papyrus called, tilting his head as he stared at his disheveled brother. "Goodness brother  you ought to tell me before you up and leave! We were waiting for hours!"

Sans seemed like he wanted to crumple on the spot, his smile that usually horded his face gone, replaced by an uneasy frown. 

"Hours?" He asked, glancing to the side as he forced his smile back. "Heh..."he laughed humorously." hehehehhe...." he broke into uncontrolled laughter.

Y/n could feel a tug at his sleeve, as he glanced down at frisk, who watched Sans with an uneasy expression. They quickly glanced up at y/n, their intent palpable. They were going to talk to Sans if it was the last thing they did. They were just determined like that.

Y/n unsteadly gulped. Before forcing a smile on his uneasy face, ruffling frisk hair.

"Hours..." Sans said, before looking back over at them. An shaky smile written across his face. "A, uh, a dog was trying to bury me in the play ground."

Papyrus sighed in relief. "Again? Thats the third time this month!"

The weather quickly became a light drizzle. As the monsters looked up. Y/n did as well. Holding a hand up.

"I-it wasn't sup-supposed to rain today!" Alphys stammered, staring at the darkened sky.

"Strange." Asgore said, holding a hand out. "Perhaps it is time to head home then?"

Y/n sighed as he walked into the living room of toriels home. Moving out of the way as Papyrus haphazardly threw Sans jacket into the fire place.

"BURN BABY!" Undyne yelled as she raised her arms.

Y/n chuckled, sitting down on the floor as he raised both his palms towards the fire. Sighing contentedly as he did so. "Thanks for letting me stay in your home while it rains, Miss Toriel." Y/n says softly, looking over at the goat woman who just walked in, dusting her legs off.

"Oh!" She smiled. "Its no problem Y/n," she said with a smile. "I could never send someone out into the rain."

Y/n chuckled, letting his palms fall as he leaned his head back, letting it fall on the couch behind him. He glanced at Alphys, offering her a wink when he caught her gaze, having her quickly avert it with a blush, all the while as Undyne chuckled.

He offered her a coy smile before closing his eyes and resting. He resisted jolting when he felt Alphys scally hand push hair out of his face. Instead smiling peacefully.

After an hour or so, the rain still seemed to continue. Y/n now sat on the couch with Undyne and Alphys, alphys laid on his chest while he laid on Undyne's. 

He sighed, sitting himself up. "I'll be back in a moment." He sighed as he laid Alphys on Undyne, who quickly wrapped her arms around her.

Y/n rolled his eyes playfully, walking over to the staircase, he quickly climbed up them, where he found Frisk, staring at the mirror across from themselves.

"Oh, hey frisk." He smiled at them, but stopped at the serious look on their face.  "Frisk, whats wrong buddy-"

A battle had begun, as both y/n and frisk's determined souls made themselves known.

"Ah, Good. The main compartment is already aware. Sans is undoubtedly a good messenger." Y/n spun to the source of the voice, finding a skeleton who stood well above him. No legs to speak of. A creepy cracked smile across his face.

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