The Choices We Make With The Dead

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(A/N: This chapter contains strong language, blood and gore depictions, and violent actions. I hope you enjoy the story with interest and a great idea of the chapter. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the story. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. Don't forget to vote the story and recommend if you can. I hope you all enjoy it.)

{Rika's House}
Z-Day 3, 12:00 a.m.

As the three boys stared down at the chaos, Izuku was using the pair of binoculars they found to look down at the street.


Man: Hehe.

A man cackled. Loading his shotgun after shooting one of 'Them' down as he took off down the street. Dropping the empty shell, he ran as he stopped to look down an alleyway to see that 'They' were coming. Quickly he turned around only to see them surrounding him. With a sinical smile, he aims the shotgun at them and shoots sending three of them flying back due to them being so close as they fell dead.

Inside the house, Saya was looking over what Izuku had wrote about the bombs that he was talking about making. Reading the information, he had to explain how the bomb would work, and how it needed to be built in order for it to do what it was designed for.

Saya: "He really planned for all of this if the day an 'Apocalypse' would break out. The designs for this to even be made wouldn't even been thought of by a high-school student, but it's no problem for a high-school genius as myself."

She thinks to herself as she looks through the box of materials Izuku had found and collected as she scrummaged through it before pulling out a battery and metallic tube that could be used to encase the battery inside.

Saya: "The metal can be used as the conductor, but the battery has to be unstable when placed inside. So if I place this rubber rod over it as an insulator it'll keep the electricity within until it makes contact with something. If like the description says the bomb is supposed to work, then by throwing the bomb and once it makes contact with whatever it's thrown at. The bomb will explode releasing the built-up charge inside dealing shock damage and electrifying the area it was thrown at."

She says as she then places the two objects down on the workbench.


In the kitchen, Saeko was looking into the refrigerator as she was looking for something to cook. Smiling she pulled out a cucumber as she brought the cucumber close to her face as she licked her lips, a thought in her mind enticing her desire.


Outside the man shot once again, as he had to reload his gun. As he pulled out two shells, as he went to reload his shotgun his hands shook as he was placing them in the gun. A nervous smile on his face, as he could hear them getting closer. Fear scratching at the back of his head, the fear of death creeping up his neck.

Man: Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

He panicked, dropping one of the shells to the ground as he then reached for it and grabbed it. As he stood back up, he heard them standing behind him. Looking up he saw three of them standing before him as they moaned and groaned. One missing an eye, while the other two had slits around their neck as they bled profusely. The horrid looks on their faces shook him to the core.

Man: No, no! Shit! Shit!

He panicked as they then reached for him throwing him to the ground. As he was thrown down, they started ripping and gutting him as he screamed bloody Mary. Blood flying out from his mouth as his eyes was torn out and fed into the mouths of the undead. As more and more walked over, a dog stood by them barking as more undead passed by the dog ignoring it.

We Take The Risk No-one else Takes (HOTDxIzuku crossover)Where stories live. Discover now