Armed to The Teeth

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(A/N: This chapter contains strong language, blood and gore depictions, and violent actions. I hope you enjoy the story with interest and a great idea of the chapter. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the story. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. Don't forget to vote the story and recommend if you can. I hope you all enjoy it.)


{Washington D.C.}
Z-day 3, 18:34 p.m.

Some say, it's best if you stick to being in the air when you're in an apocalypse. The fear of being on the ground and being attacked out of nowhere is a death no-one would wish to take. But in the air, you don't have to worry about being attacked because the undead can't fly, or so they thought.

Above the USA soil, the United States Airline, had a plane in the air. And this was only used by the president and the secretary of state.

Guard: Ah! Shoot, aim for the head!

The guard shouted. Infront of him stood three government officials who had been turned as well as the first lady. Taking the shot the guard took out two of the other officials before taking the shot and shooting the first lady in the head. Behind him there were two other guards on the floor, one male and one female.

Female Guard: Wh-Who did it? Who let them in?

Guard: Ah, they bit the first lady.

He told her.

In the back of the plane, the president sat in his seat looking at the screen before him showing how all of the secret communication he had with all of the other governments were cutoff, or otherwise 'Black Out'.

Chairman: Mr. President, you have to enter the code.

President: I can't.

Chairman: Goddamit. You and I have already been bitten. We know the virus works like clockwork and the CDC still haven't engineered a vaccine yet, and the cause of the virus still hasn't been figured out yet.

He said showing his arm with the bite wound he received from one of 'Them', as he walked around the desk to reach the President as their only stood four in the backroom.

Chairman: You've got to listen to me, there's not a country on this planet that's going to let us land Airforce one on their soil. That's why we have to attack those countries using intercontinental ballistic missiles against the U.S. while we still can. This is a matter of national security, but all you've done is make the damn announcement! Activate triple 6 protocol. We must fulfill our duty to the people and our constitution! We have no other options!

President: What if there is someone who is immune to the virus?

He asks holding his head up with his hand that was wrapped in bandages while a part was soaked in blood, likely after being bitten.

Chairman: What?

President: What if there is someone who is immune to the virus? We could make an antidote a serum using their blood and could make a vaccine to give out to the rest.

Chairman: Are you crazy?! Don't you get it already! We don't have that kind of time-URP!

Out from his mouth a blob of blood came out from his mouth as he accidentally spat it out on the desk. As the president looked up at him, the secretary looked at him.

Guard: Mr. Chairman!

Chairman: Agh, I-I'm not going to make it. C-Could someone shoot me. Please.

He says as the woman who stood in the room with them covered her mouth as she stepped back, the guard aiming his gun at him. The Chairman then sighed as he looked back at the President.

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