The Mall

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(A/N: This chapter contains strong language and violent actions. Feel free to comment what you think and what you like about the chapter. If you feel that there are somethings wrong with it, please let me know. I welcome helpful criticism and feedback. I hope you all enjoy it.)

Now as some of you know the anime ends off at the last chapter which was a spinoff OVA. But I will be continuing on with by following the manga version and a bit of my own story to follow up with the main storyline and how the group learns to deal with this Apocalypse and the new encounters and dangers they'll have to face.

Now heading forward, I will hold off on all the lewd writing, just a bit since it is part of the storyline anyway, but I will dim that as to set the tone of the storyline going forward which will become more serious and in-depth. The writing will still be there as that is what the manga/anime is about, but I will tone it down just a little.

So strap up for the ride and like always, you have been advised🔞‼️...

{Taipei Shopping Mall}
Z-Day 8, 11:45 a.m.

After making it to the mall, the group was able to get inside thanks to the help of an officer who was in charge of securing the mall. Quickly the group got accustomed to staying inside of the mall until they could get ready and continue on with the East Police Station. All in hopes of finding Rei's, Takashi's, and Izuku's parents.

Right now, in the midst of the mall, Saya and Kohta were in the grocery store checking for anything valuable to eat.

Kohta: This doesn't look spoiled yet, does it Takagi?

He asked her, holding a pack of raw steak from out of a freezer. The air inside was cold, though the freezer itself wasn't on because of the power.

Saya: The power failure was yesterday. Check the expiration date on them. You should also check to make sure it doesn't smell.

Kohta: Hmm, it doesn't have a strange smell to it, but it still seems fresh.

He told her.

Man: Hey you, hold it right there!

A man called out to them as they looked back to see he was pushing a basket with groceries in it. He then stopped pushing his basket as he approached them.

He wore a black long-sleeved shirt, camo pants and black shoes, and a beanie on his head. Strapped to his side was a cleaver he'd use as a weapon. Folding his arms he posed to look intimidating as Saya held her eyebrow up looking at him cautiously.

Man: Put that back. We already decided we're going to dry or smoke any raw meat and fish. And you're going to eat that for yourself! You know how hard things are now, so follow the damn rules.

He says angrily to them as Saya shook her head in disbelief at the man trying to show them down. Telling them what they couldn't and shouldn't do, and obeying the rules. But quickly fast footsteps rushed over to the scene.

???: Wait just a minute, Shimada!

Looking over the three saw who was coming over, as the man now known as Shimada grunted in annoyance.

Shimada: Oh, it's you.

Stepping up was the one left in charge of the place. A young female officer with short light brown hair that had bangs which pushed to the right side of her face revealing her blue eyes. She wears the standard female police uniform of the Tokonosu Higashi Police station which consists of a white shirt, a black tie, a blue jacket, and a blue skirt. She also wears a green band around her left arm with two white stripes on it and gold earrings in the shape of stars.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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