Side Short: Zompedia 101

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Izuku: Hey, this is Izuku. Before we continue on with the story. Saya and I thought it would be pretty interesting to help you guys understand what kind of zombies we'll be facing.

Takagi: That's if your small unintelligent brains can't comprehend what we're saying, so you dimwits better listen up.

Izuku: Alright! But before we get started let's talk about the 'O-Virus'.

Izuku: The 'O-Virus', for short is the 'Omega-Virus'

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Izuku: The 'O-Virus', for short is the 'Omega-Virus'. We all called it the 'Outbreak Virus' at first since we had no clue of what it truly was, but after 'recent' reveals we found out what it truly was. The virus was created by a scientist known as, Dr. Hiroshima Sato. A mad-scientist who created the virus all for the purpose of evolving the human species, making the immune to disease and death. To create a new species, but as you see it didn't turn out as well as he thought. The virus changed people. Whoever was bitten died, and then came back to life, but was undead. It was like they were alive they could stand and move around like a living person, but inside they were dead. The only thing controlling them was the virus inside manipulating the impulses of the body causing them to attack and kill anyone in their way.

Takagi: But because of the virus they don't act like humans. They lack the ability to see which gives humans the advantage, only if you think like a dumbass. These idiots have a power sense of echolocation, like a bat, meaning they can hear excellently well. From the tiniest of sound to the loudest. They will come at you in a heartbeat. Tiredly hungry and ready to feast on you like a pig. And what doesn't help is that these idiots possess enhanced strength and durability. Normal hits and kicks won't do much but make them tumble, but once they get their hands on you it's another thing. But what's also strange is that the virus oddly makes some of them take in peculiar forms and develop strange effects.

Izuku: That's why we'll explain about the different ones we met. So let's get started on some good ol' ZOMBIE FACTS!

Izuku: First off we have 'Them'.

Takagi: The typical and the first of the undead we had to encounter

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Takagi: The typical and the first of the undead we had to encounter. They're slow and stumble around like idiots but that's due to the lack of sight since their pupils and irises dilated costing them the ability to see, but they have excellent hearing. They have pale grey skin due to the fact that their bodies are decaying from within. And they'll also have a bite mark somewhere on their body from an infected that caused them to turn.

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