Chapter five

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Well. It was time to get ready for the night. Steph has chosen a revealing low-cut red dress, and I chose some black leather leggings, a white revealing skin tight crop top, and a black leather jacket. We applied makeup, not too heavy, mainly just eye makeup. I perfected my wings today and that made me happy.

We took selfies in the bathroom mirror before calling a cab into town.

The cab driver was a little creepy. He kept asking Steph about personal experience so I gave him less money and told him to change his attitude and respect towards women.


We came up to a gay club. Oh god. Well, myself of all people can't complain but why has a 90% hetero like Steph brought me here?

"I know what you're thinking. But just go with it, I've heard big things about this club" She said as we head inside after showing ID to the security guard.

It was full of extremely attractive girls grinding on eachother and a few guys making out on the outskirts of the dance floor. I immediately headed to the bar to loosen up.

"Shots?" I ask Steph.
She just grinned at me and I ordered six shots.

We downed them all and headed for the dance floor. Already tipsy and with another drink in my hand I danced to the upbeat club music with Steph who was slurping on her vodka mixer.
For the first hour, we skipped between the dance floor and the bar, it's safe to say I'm pretty drunk at this stage.

"Hey ladies, let me buy you a drink?" Some built guy asked us as we sat at the bar. Steph instantly stared him up and down. His shirt was so tight you could see every detail of his ripped figure.

"Stop drooling over eachother and get the drinks on the table!" I laughed, banging demandingly on the bar. They both turned red and the guy now known as "Garrett" ordered us some strong ass cocktails and handed them to us.

"God damn, I love a man who knows his drinks" I said, taking a sip of my 'Sex on the beach'.
He just looked at me confused.
"I'm gay, but she's not. I'm just saying!" I said as Steph punched my arm almost spilling her cocktail everywhere.

I stumbled over to the dance floor with a loved up Steph and Garrett as they started dancing rather close. Feeling as though I was intruding space, I wandered back over to the bar and ordered some chilli roasted nuts.

"Oh my god hey!" I heard from next to me as I crunched on my nuts (okay that came out the wrong way).

I looked next to me to find a beaming Demi.
Oh fuck she looks hot. Oh fuck!
I couldn't keep my eyes off of her.

"Can I buy you a drink?" She shouted over the music.
"Let me get it what are you having?"
I asked her.
"Oh another Cosmo would be great!" She smiled and leaned in to pinch one of my nuts (again. Wrong way! There's nothing you can say with the word nuts in it without it sounding hilarious okay).

We had a few drinks together and I grabbed her hand and led her to the dance floor.

She didn't fight it, in fact she was VERY involved. She was dancing extremely close to my body that she brushed up against it with her chest a few times and it felt amazing.

She did a slut drop them came back up, flipped her hair and looked at me with an extremely sexual look.
(Picture above)
Holy fuck. I had to do something else to distract myself from her so I went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Demi followed me.

"Hey you okay? You just walked off"
She said as she pulled on my arm.
"Yeah sorry I just really need to pee!" I said stumbling into the cubicle. This is great. One thing I hate about being a woman is that if we get too excited... our vaginas let us know. Ugh.
Why is Demi even here?

I decide to ask her when I finish.

"So you didn't tell me, why are you in a gay bar? Aren't you dating Wilmer?" I asked, rinsing my hands.

"It's complicated. But it's a very loose leash on this whole thing we have going on. So expressing myself in gay bars is the least he should worry about"
She laughs.

I laugh along with her and go outside to smoke.

"You know that's hot as fuck right?" She was closer now, whispering in my ear.

I turn to face her and do the same.
"You know whispering is fucking hot too and if you do that again I'm gonna have to use physical restraint."
I tease.

She turns a deep shade of red and steps closer to me and I can feel her breath on my lips.

She puts her mouth to my ear sending shivers down my whole body.
"I dare you".

So I push her against the wall as a very drunken Steph stumbles out of the doorway. Not at all quietly. She ran over to me and Demi and I moved away from the very flustered girl still against the wall. Smirking, I looked over to Steph.

"Ready to call a cab?" I ask her.

"You don't mind sharing do you?" Demi asks, "I have no ride but I got money." She adds.

"Sure. Where you headed?"

"Sherman Oaks" she said.
Steph clapped.
"SAME HEEERE" she blurted out.

We all hopped into a cab and Steph was fast asleep after seconds.

I felt Demi lean into my side and whisper again.
"So you're one for dares huh?" She taunted.
I just laughed mischievously and placed my hand on her thigh.
"Oh yeah." I looked at her, "Ever played chicken before?" I asked.

"Oh yeah." She mocked me. "I always win." She said.

With that, I moved my hand slowly up her thigh towards her centre and watched her facial expression change from flirty to dirty.
She smirked at me and pretended that she didn't care. But I saw that lip bite as I moved my hand closer and closer.

I reached the top of her thigh and kept my eyes on her as I moved it slightly sideways and onto her centre, squeezing it with my hand and rubbing my thumb over it once. Her breathing hitched.
A small moan escaped her mouth only audible for myself which made me enjoy it more.

"12.40 please" I heard the driver say as I realised we had come to a stop.

I handed him the money and told him to hold on for a second as I purposely climbed over Demi to get out and rubbed my butt over her lap and giggled at her expression once again.

Walking around the cab I opened the other door and picked up a passed out Steph.

"I'll see you around Blue." I said, winking, and then walking away from the cab and watching her be taken away. FUCK. Hottest. Cab. Ride. Ever.

I carried Steph upstairs and dumped her on her bed before rushing back downstairs to lock up.

Trudging back upstairs, still nowhere near sober, I undressed Steph and tucked her into bed.

Then I undressed myself, removed my makeup and plopped into bed. Almost instantly falling into a drunken slumber.

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