Chapter fourteen

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Jae's POV

I don't remember this place being so fascinating, the sun bursts through the cracks in between each towering tree, feeling rays of warmth as we stepped out of the car.

"Jae... this is breathtaking." Demi beamed; I adore the dimples that define her smile.

Locking the car, I linked my arm in hers and started skipping towards the entrance.
"So you come here often?" Demi laughed.
"Actually, I came here a few times in my rebel days, I'd run away from home and come here to smoke pot with any good person I could connect with. It was my vice... people were my vice" I explained, not sure on how she would take that.
She glanced at me, looked down and smiled.
"I like that."

Demi's POV

We walked in a comfortable silence for what seemed like forever, every so often Jae would blurt out memories of things she saw here as a kid, a family of deer, the treehouse she once attempted but gave up on... she didn't get very far.

Eventually we came to a steep hill, through thick forest, it was dark and the trees creaked in the wind.
I moved closer to Jae and slipped my hand into hers, seeing her look away slightly and try not to smile made my heart swoon.

The restraint from how I want to express my feelings towards Jae is more difficult than expected. I don't know how much longer I can hold back.
"Oh right here is where I almost broke my leg sledding." Jae threw her head back and laughed at the memory, dragging me out of my train of thought.
She pointed at a huge tree stump that looked like it had been torn in half from a storm.
"Totally gross scar right here, always reminding me to never sled in a forest" she laughed and showed me her almighty scar just underneath her right knee.

"Race you to the top!" Jae shouted before scuffling in the dirt and sprinting uphill.
"Hey no fair you got a head start!" I yelled, rushing after her.
In a breathless flee to beat her, I finally reached the top and bent over to catch my breath.

Jae's hand appeared in front of my face, with no hesitation; and without looking up at her I took her hand in mine.

As I rose, the world in front of me came into view.
And I can only say my breath was still taken away.
As she led me forwards, I took in the smells, the sounds, the beauty around me was phenomenal.

Alas, she put a blanket down and we sat. And I could breathe again.

Jae's POV

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Jae's POV

We sat on the sand, staring out at nothingness for a few moments.
"This place..." Demi paused. "I feel so exposed to the world but in the best way possible." Admiring her wordplay, I took in the structure of her face, the essence of her skin; I flicked my eyes toward her lips for a second, daringly.
Then found myself sinking into her deep brown orbs.

Without even realising it we were both inching closer to eachother, until I could feel her breath on my lips.
A slight brush sent shockwaves through my body and I couldn't control myself. I slipped both of my hands under her jawline and pulled her into me.
Absorbing every inch of pleasure that vibrated in my body.

My heart raced as she deepened the kiss and straddled my hips, lowering my back onto the sand.
Our lips locked in sync, moving in a perfect motion; I don't want this to end... our lips were made to move in this way. I felt her moist tongue brush my lower lip before pulling away slowly.

She gave me those indulging eyes and ran her fingers down my body.
"To be continued..." She smirked before standing and and unexpectedly stripping to her underwear.

I checked her out. Hard.

"You coming?" She turned her head as she walked toward the water, beckoning me with her fingers.

I mouthed to her "I want you." Before mimicking her strip tease (making sure she saw me) and followed her into the open ocean.

But I can tell you, I was already wet.

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