Chapter eleven

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Jae's POV

Its been 40 minutes since we started the journey and i've already witnessed crazy Demi, Talkative Demi, Hungry Demi and sleepy Demi.

Hopefully she'll be out until we get there.
I looked over to her to see goosebumps forming up both of her arms. I quickly pull over and quietly get out of the car, and come back with a patchwork blanket i packed.

Wrapping it around Demi i paused for a moment just to look at her. She stirred in her sleep and i almost shit in my pants; back to driving it is.

Demi's POV

Rubbing my eyes until they slowly opened, i stretched out in an empty car. We must be here, either that or this is gonna be like some typical horror movie and go horribly wrong.

I step out of the car wrapping myself with the blanket that magically appeared on top of me. I noticed we were parked next to a beautiful river on an almost deteriorated dirt path, we were surrounded in sky high woodland. It is truly spectacular.

"Jae!" I called. A few moments later she jogged around the corner.
"Hey! You're awake, come look." she beamed, grabbing my hand and locking her car.

I am honestly cherishing this, our fingers are interlocked and her skin felt so soft.

She led me around the corner to present a beautiful secluded campsite, she had set up everything whilst i was asleep! From the tent with pillows and covers, to the drinks cooler and even the fire pit for tonight.

"Jae wow." was all i could say, so i just embraced her in a hug, she wrapped her arms around my lower waist and buried her face in my neck. I didn't want to let go, and neither did she, so we stayed like that for a few moments.

When we finally let go, she suggested we eat. My kinda girl.

Jae's POV
"So! What do you want? Or if you can't decide, i could make you a Jae special?" I suggested, i have great sandwich making skills.

"Oooh i like the sound of that" she smirked at me.
I could feel a slight temperature rise in my cheeks, so i looked down and smiled while making the sandwiches.

Tiger bread, chicken tikka pieces, lettuce, gherkins and mayo. And i think Demi likes the look of it.

"Drool much?" I laughed, handing her my speciality dish.
She looked shocked and checked if she really was drooling.
I burst out laughing,
"Kidding!" she scowled and threw a gherkin at my face.

"Oh my god gross, that had mayo on it!!" Demi was now in fits of laughter, i tried to hold back but the almost inaudible slapping sound the gherkin made was too funny.

I can tell i'm going to really enjoy tonight.

After we ate, well almost had a food fight, Demi climbed into the tent. She smiled at me whilst tapping the space beside her.

"It's almost sunset Dem, we should collect firewood soon." I said, sitting down next to her.
"Okay but i wanna ask you something first." She smiled.

My heart jumped as i thought of all the things she could ask.
"Don't look so worried!" She put her hand on my thigh to relax me, it worked.
"Go on?" I asked.

"Do you have any hidden talents?" She asked, i literally burst out laughing for a couple seconds before suddenly stopping.
"I could show you a thing or two on a guitar." I smirked at her. I really wasn't expecting her to ask me anything remotely related to instruments.

"Perfect. Okay let's go get firewood!" She chippered and jumped out of the tent, i grabbed her hand and swung her around.
Now standing in front of her, she looked deep into my eyes, looking for an answer i was clearly taking my time with.

"Is that really what you wanted to ask?"
She just flopped like a moody child because she was so excited to get firewood.
"Yes! It really was, you'll see! Now come onnnn!" she whined, running off.

I honestly don't know whether this is mixed signals or what. No time to think i have to chase her.
"Demi we might not be alone here you know, wait up!!" I started after her.

It started to get dark really fast so we decided we had enough, i could barely see Demi's face she had so many branches.

"How did you even manage to pull that one off?" i asked, laughing at the trail of fallen twigs she was slowly leaving behind.
"I'm a great hugger." she beamed at me.
"Oh i know." I smirked, from what i could see she may, or may not have been blushing.

We arrived back at camp just in time, its really hard to see where your feet are at this point. I guess being surrounded in huge ass trees doesn't help but you know.

I bent down and placed the wood in a pile and went to grab my lighter.
"Okay so... I wasn't really planning on burning this too." I heard Demi say from behind me.
I turned around to see her holding a guitar, one that looked special to her.

"Really Dem?" i laughed.
"Yeah! Im cold though so fire first" she shivered.

"Here." I took off my hoodie and handed it to her; she was about to say something but i held my finger up and smiled at her. Her big brown eyes are luminous against the moonlight.

I felt Demi staring whilst i lit the fire, so i swivelled around catching her off guard.
"Ha!" i laughed, "I bet you just love sitting there admiring the view while i do the mans job"

She looked shocked for a second, and then colour bounced back into her cheeks.
"Hey i'm kidding, look all you want." I winked, making her blush even harder.

The light of the fire glowed on her perfect skin. I could just sit here and watch her do anything, and never feel unsatisfied.

I sat down on the log, facing Demi.
"I think its about time you got to know me." I said to her.

And with saying that, I lifted Demi's guitar from beside me and rested it on my knee. I then looked up to her, and gazed into her eyes for a moment before looking down and placing my fingers on the strings.

(Play linked video)

Demi's eyes lit up and i immediately knew that she recognised the song.

As i played, i sung only a few various lines. I wanted to concentrate more on watching her. When she smiled, wrinkles would form next to her eyes, and her dimples would show. A truly breathtaking sight. I played for her. To her, and i think she knew. We were just stuck in this incredible moment, a bond tied with the sound of song.

She didn't take her eyes off me, switching her gaze from my fingers, to my eyes, to my lips as they formed an uncontrollable smile.

"Don't stop playing, i just want you to know... I haven't felt this comfortable in someones presence in a long time, and in such a short time knowing you and still getting to know the beautiful woman you are, i feel like i can be myself, no cameras, no drama. That day in starbucks, i don't know what it was but when i saw you..." she paused.

"I couldn't bare to see you walk out of that door. I thought i'd never see you again and i am beyond words trying to explain how happy i am having run in to you again."

"Demi i... Don't know what to say" I stuttered, butterflies were swirling in my stomach and my heart was racing but i continued to play softly.

"We have all the time in the world to talk, please, don't stop playing" she pleaded, as she placed her hand on my knee.

I didn't take my eyes away from hers, and sang the rest of the song to her.
To my surprise she sang with me. I honestly don't want anything more in the world right now, and theres absolutely nothing that could ruin the way i feel at peace right now. My heart swooned as i toned my voice down a little so i could hear Demi clearer. Her voice is like liquid gold; and not even for a second does she stop looking so graceful and breathtaking.

Our voices echoed through the forest in harmony, and the crackle of the fire made it all the more beautiful. Still not taking my eyes away from her, i embraced the beauty of this moment. The gentle flowing of the river beside us, owls and other nightlife make themselves apparent in the distance, and the light whistling of the trees as they sway in a dull wind. I watched Demi open her eyes to finish the last part alone. She confidently continued; and could barely keep her eyes open as she concentrated. Her eyebrows would crinkle every now and then. I watched her lips as my fingers plucked the last chord.

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