Chapter ten

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Jae's POV

It's now Monday morning, Benji sat on the island in front of me, and Steph sat accross.

"So," she piped up, chowing down on breakfast waffles, "You gonna tell me whats going on with you?"

I sighed. She never failed to catch on with my emotions.
"Okay, so this thing with Demi.. I like her, you know. But i don't know what she wants... I don't just want to be an experiment."

"So why are you telling me dork! Go tell her." Steph laughed, causing Benji to jump away from his food.

"See that's just the thing, i don't want to get in too deep yet and open up and everything." I said hesistantly.

"Well look Jae. You cant sit around all day wondering if this is just another sexual encounter or whether it could lead somewhere, and if she feels the same, you cant just leave her hanging around thinking the same things. State your intentions for her and see what she says before you get yourself in deep enough to get hurt."

She's right. As always.
I embraced her in a long hug,
"Thank you for always protecting me."

With that I waltzed out the door and jumped in my car.
Before long I was sat outside Demi's house, gripping my steering wheel with sweaty palms.
I mean yeah we haven't really got the chance to get to know eachother yet so how could I be so nervous?
That doesn't mean i've just convinced myself that i'm not though... Ugh! Just stop thinking and go.

Before I knew it I was back in my car waiting for Demi to pick up the phone.

"Jae.. Hi" She answered, hesitation still apparent in her tone.

"Hey, where are you? I just tried calling at your house." I asked, looking at her windows in case her head popped up anywhere.

"Oh i'm not in at the moment, what's up?" She asked, she was cheerful yet... Distant.

"Well if you're not doing anything, i'd like to see you." She was silent for a moment before excitement flushed through her.

"I remember you saying you know great places to go? Soooo...camping tonight? No funny business I promise."

I thought about it for a moment. About where it could lead. Although it would only lead there if I let it.

"Fuck it why not. So can I come pick you up now?"

"Sure, i'm at the place we first met." She said before saying a very quick goodbye then hung up.

It's like she wanted that to be super cute but wanted to avoid any kind of awkwardness or? I don't know.

Demi's POV

I think thats probably the quickest i've ever hung up the phone before, I just wanted to make sure Jae didn't question what i'd said.

Before long I heard the roar of her Camaro pulling up outside, i checked my appearence in my phone and tried to look as elegant as you can, you know walking out of a starbucks and all.

To my surprise Jae looked even hotter today than she did last time I saw her.

"Hey you." she greeted me with her best smile, which made my heart flutter.

We had decided on shopping for all of our camping needs, and hit up the tent store first.

Jae had her eye on a spacious one with three different compartments, but I... Had my eye on a small, cosy, off the ground tent. How you say?! Its like a double camping bed with an attached tent! Perfect for just sitting up chatting or dozing off comfortably not too far away and not too cold.

While I stood in front of the tent-bed thingy I hadn't even noticed that Jae had wandered off somewhere.

Eventually i found her at the till.
"So what did we decide on?" I asked as she waited for someone to bring our tent.
"Well you spent so long gawping at that camping bed tent i assumed we were both cool with that so i bought it" She said innocently.

"Awe you're a sweetheart aren't you! Seriously though heres some cash to go towards."
I said trying to force money into her hand or anywhere on her person.

"Babe it's fine I got it, really."
Wait hold up, I think we all just paused for a sec there. Even the cashiers attention was on Jae.

She just went a deep shade of red and casually tried to play it cool. That back-of-the-head scratch was definitely convincing.

I laughed at her and grabbed the whole tent bag with one arm.
"Come on softy." I giggled and walked in front of her... Purposely.

Jae's POV

Okay so I slipped up. It happens okay!? Its just... I feel so comfortable around her, it just fell out of my mouth.

I hope Demi and I get the chance to speak tonight; although i'm not entirely sure when the moment would be right. Anyways, i'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

By midday we'd been and got everything we needed, food most importantly.
I honestly cannot wait to do this. I haven't been camping since i was 15, those were the days, 2L bottles of beer and a shit load of weed, but best of all; a bunch of good friends from back home.

As cliché as it may be, getting high and singing around the fire was always a personal favourite.

"Jae!" Demi snapped me out of my trance.
"I said are you ready to go?" She pulled a weird face and giggled at me.

"Sorry yeah, I was just thinking about the last time i went camping, shall we?" i explained, holding her front door open.

We thought it might be a good idea to leave Buddy with Steph and Benji back at my place, see how they get on... I hope i was right in thinking this might work.

"We have all the time in the world to tell stories, i wanna get to know you Jae" Demi said as i held the car door open for her.
I know, chivalry might just be alive.

I roared engine of my Camaro and cranked up the radio.
"Shall we drive through starbucks? I need to be pumped for this journey." It's gonna take around an hour and a half to get there, i know the best place for camping.

"Honey y'all just had to ask" Demi smoothly piped up in her texan accent. God i love it when she does that.

"Well, let's go!" I said excitedly banging on the dashboard after checking the luggage behind us.
We were off.

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