Chapter twenty

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Jae's POV

After dressing ourselves in comfortable clothes, Demi and I sauntered back downstairs to greet Steph finishing our half cooked pancakes.
"Now that you've had your morning workouts, it's time to eat." Steph winked.

I felt Demi squeeze my hand gently and smirk at me with red cheeks.
"So come on Demi, I need to know more about you! Your latest album is fire by the way" Steph sat down presenting us with bacon pancakes, eager to know more.

I just sat happily eating away while Demi began speaking.
"I'm sure you already know about my childhood and how I got to where I am, it was tough you know? Growing up in the public eye took its toll on me. I went to rehab at nineteen years old, but it created this passion in me like no other. The strength I drew from my experience is undeniable. My ex, Wilmer was very good to me. Although we didn't work out, he will always be important to me. We're not really on great terms right now but I know he'll calm down. Meeting Jae has only confirmed everything I secretly knew about my sexuality. It's explosive, it's romantic, there's a whole other world out there and Jae has only enhanced my lust for it." She squeezed my hand again and pecked my lips before giggling at Steph who was now swooning over us.

"You guys are honestly the cutest. So when's the wedding?" She winked.
We all laughed in sync, this. This is all I've wanted.

"Hey we should go out sometime? All of us. I promise I won't get drunk this time" Steph giggled.
"Yeah! How do you feel about that Demi? I know you have tour coming up soon so I hope we can all hang out before you're too busy for me." I said in a low-key jealous tone.

She looked at me with puppy eyes. "Come with me? Both of you?" Demi blurted out.
Steph and I exchanged looks.
"Are you kidding? Like actually?" I asked.

"Not at all! I can get you both some work on the tour, Steph you work with cameras and Jae you do hair and makeup? It's the perfect trio? Tour starts in two weeks and I'm sure I can get some last minute fix ups for you both." She said excitedly.

"Shit I mean, yes!! Steph?" I couldn't contain my excitement.
"I'm in!!! Oh my god Demi thank you so much." Steph beamed, embracing Demi in a hug that literally lifted her off the ground.
I love these goofballs.

"Alright on a serious note, I have work today and I need to get ready, but I'm seeing my uncle for dinner and I will totally go through all the logistics with him." I said kissing Demi on the forehead and clearing the plates.
"What are you up to today my loves?"

"Well I'm not busy at all" Demi said excitedly playing with Benji.
"I've got work as well so I'm gonna run through the tour ideas with Matt." Steph chipped in. "Hey! Why don't you take Demi to meet your uncle?" She added.

Demi looked up at me a little worried yet excited. "I would love to! If you'll have me?"
I just smiled at her like she didn't already know. "Of course baby."

And with that, Steph and I headed upstairs after saying goodbye to Demi while she went home to change, I would be picking her up in an hour.

Demi's POV

I got home and changed a lot faster than I'd realised so I decided to call my tour manager and run the ideas by him while I had some free time.

D: "Jason, hi! I have something to run by you, but first, how are you?"
J: "I'm great Demi how are you? Excited for the first leg?"
D: "I'm amazing actually. I met someone and I really want to introduce you to her. Can we arrange a meeting? I think she will be a valuable asset to the crew while on tour, you know we always need spare people and she's fully qualified!"
J: "Yes absolutely we can arrange something, are you free tomorrow? We could all have lunch and discuss this further?"
D: "I'll run it by her and drop you a text within the hour okay?"
J: "Fantastic. See you soon."

It was such a spontaneous thing to do by inviting Jae and Steph on tour with me, but there's always so much room on my bus and I always get so lonely. They have careers that can be equally used so why not huh?
It's going to be amazing.

Jae honked her horn outside reeling me from my train of thoughts, so I grabbed my purse and locked my door behind me.
Okay but she looks HOT today.
In fact, when does she ever not look this good?
Alright enough drooling.
"Hi you, I missed you" she said hugging me. "You ready?"
"It's only been like an hour you cutie." I giggled.
"Shush." She kissed me before I could say anything else.
I'll never get enough of those lips.
Holding the door open for me as always, I could feel Jae's eyes on me.
Something I doubt I'll get bored of.

Jae's POV

"Are you sure you're ready to meet my uncle?" I asked.
"Of course, why wouldn't I want to meet the man responsible for raising such a beautifully sincere woman?"
Oh my god she's adorable.
"I..." Shit. "I'm glad you're coming, he's going to love you." Demi looked at me confused for hesitating, but brushed it off.
I really am in this deep. Just over a month and I'm already there, I want to tell her how I feel but I'm scared it's too soon.

Demi's song Sorry Not Sorry came on the radio and we both squealed in excitement. 

"Oh so this is where you turn into sassy Demi huh?" I laughed at her badass attitude.
"PAYBACK IS A BAD BITCH AND BABY IM THE BADDEST" She sang with so much passion, like she was telling a story in the sassiest way possible, dancing until the song was over.
I really do love her.

"I love this song so much! I wish I could dance with you but you know..." I tapped the steering wheel gesturing that my hands are full. "But I'm loving this."
I said pointing at her and looking her up and down whilst grinning.

We pulled up to the studio lot and I logged my ID as the gates opened.
Demi turned the music down after the song and stared at me.
"What? You okay?" I asked concerned.
"I just, I'm a little scared. What if he doesn't accept us?" She pouted.
"Demi." I said a little sternly.
She looked at me with puppy eyes.
I parked the car in the lot and turned to face her.
"He already knows. You really think I'm gonna fall for someone like you and not tell my closest relative?" I admitted.

"Wait what?" She smiled wide.
"I. I guess what I'm saying is, I'm in love with you Demi. You just make me so-"
She cut me off with her lips, it was a soft, slow, yet meaningful kiss. There was no lust, only wants, needs.
She broke the kiss and stroked my cheek with her thumb.

"I'm crazy in love with you too"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2020 ⏰

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