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Like butter.

I found myself tearing out hearts, throats, eyes, or whatever I could sink my teeth and claws into.

I had decapitated at-least thirty wolves by myself before I was shortly joined by the rest of my warriors.

By this time, we had the fire under control and all that was left in its path was blood and destruction.

In the midst of our chaos I had saw the scattered burnt remains of what I could only believe, were my warriors.

I'd be sure to give them there proper funeral later, but now I was aiming towards revenge.

Counting the wolves that had been burned alive in the initial attack, plus some that had fallen as we made our way deeper into the forest killing off the remaining in intruders. I'd say we lost somewhere around fifteen warriors.

That of course was nothing to the hundreds we had killed on their side.

Turns out they weren't just in our west borders, but they surrounded the whole pack. Whoever this was they had to have a large pack to pull this off.

It almost made me curious on why the he'll they would send so many warriors for a pack with less than a hundred of their own.

I wanted to believe they knew our reputation, and came prepared but I'd be a idiot to think that was it.

What was their motive? What were they trying to gain. If they wanted to take over our land and take over the pack they wouldn't have burned down the tree lines that kept us hidden.

Whatever it was, I was going to get answers.

The last couple of wolves found it within their favor to ditch the losing battle with their tails between their legs and book it.

Unfortunately for them, they weren't fast enough.

With two warriors behind me, we were able to circle the four wolves who tried to escape.

There desperate eyes shot back in forth. From me, to my warriors and back to me.

Scanning the faces in-front of me, they all seemed desperate except one.

Not only was this asshole not desperate or shaking in fear with the pending doom I was about to unleash on them. but he had the nerve to be smirking.

At me.

I met his smirk with an annoyed growl of my own.

I mind linked the two warriors on my sides. Shay and Rayna.

They were a bit older than me, at twenty-six and twenty two.

When I first announced I was taking over the Alpha position, they along with my beta had been amongst the first to pledge there loyalty to me. Fighting by my side ever since.

A lot of the pack was skeptical, seeming that I was only 20, really young for a pack leader. But they trusted me.

I turned my attention towards them as I got into a fighting stance.

"You guys finish off the those three. Leave the cocky bastard for me."

And with that I leaped towards the asshole.

I just nearly missed his left eye, as my paw swiped nothing but a chunk of brown fur, landing back swiftly on all four legs.

The glint in his eyes only seemed to brighten at my missed mark.

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