Hide and Seek

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After my run in with whom I could only assume was the beta of whatever pack had dared to cross paths with us, I had Shay and Rayna drag him back to the pack prisons where I had him chained in silver cuffs.

As I switched to my wolf I tried mind-linking my beta several times with no luck. I was getting worried now, as fear crept into the hallow spaces of my mind.

This fight was still far from over, and my little run in with the beta took way longer than I intended.

She was suppose to be checking on the pups last time I talked to her and none of the warriors I had on guard where answering their links either.

Neema tended to block our bond during fights so I wouldn't worry about her and get distracted, but now it was making me anxious.

I had felt multiple pack members deaths throughout the night, even some as I was fighting with that cocky bastard.

The only thing that was giving me hope at this point, was the fact I could still feel my bond with Lina, so I knew the worst at least hadn't happened.

As I neared my east side of the pack where the pups were being held at for the night, the stench of blood hit my nose.

If I wasn't already running fast, the smell of blood coming from the familiar area put my legs into full drive.

Nearing the Pups den I saw bodies laid out around the building. Both from my pack and the intruders.

Not waiting another second I burst through the doors, expecting the worst.

There laid the three guards I had keeping watch from the inside laid on the ground unmoving. I could still see the rise and fall of their chest so I knew they weren't dead. I had to hurry up and link the doctor to get done here and help anyone who was injured.

Making my way through the building searching door by door I looked for Lina and my beta.

As I searched children ran up to me clutching me with all their might, out of fear that the "bad men" would return.

Shit what the he'll happened. How did they get all the way hear without ur being seen by my warriors.

Then it hit me.

The fire. It wasn't aiming to kill my warriors on post it was meant as a distraction.

Lina.. they were after Lina. That was the only thing that made sense, the only thing anyone could ever hold against me.

My only weakness.

I made it to the last door in the hallway.

Lina's room. My hands were trembling, scared to confirm the truth I already knew had prospered.

Busting through the last door on the far end of the hall I frantically searched the area.

"Lina" I yelled as I stepped over broken glass, and some of her teddy bears that had been scattered in the ground.

Still no sign of her.

I was fully panicking now as every bad outcome ran through my head at a hundred miles per hour.

I quickly made my way to the bathroom, kicking the lock lose so I could enter.

In a puddle of blood, and shattered glass was Neema.

I ran towards her, bending down to cup her head.

Checking all her vitals. She was still alive thank goddess, but she was badly injured.

Frantically I mind-linked the pack doctor and a couple warriors to check her out and bring her back to the pack hospital.

As I scanned the bathroom, I saw a piece of paper peeking out from a broken glass shard in the mirror.

Quickly I read its contents.

Dear Amara,

You have until the full moon to bring yourself to my territory. Surely by now you have my Beta with you as he will guide you to my territory. It will be in your best interest to bring him back alive. Your life for hers and his. If you bring your warriors I'll know. The trek to our territory might be a little difficult. Think of it as hide n seek.
~ best regards, Alpha Volkov

I couldn't believe what I was reading. I didn't know if I wanted to shout, scream. or cry. Maybe all of them at the same time.

Lina was gone, taken prisoner by a old crazy psychopath Alpha and it was all my fault.

Half of my warriors were either dead or badly injured, along with my beta, the only friend I had left.

My pack would suffer once again. And it was all my fault.

Better yet the full moon was tomorrow night and I had no plans of how to come out of this Alive.

Maybe there wasn't any coming out of this alive.

Maybe all my evil doings had finally caught up to me and it was time for me to except my fate.

If I didn't go to his territory, he would kill Lina, and if I did he would kill me. Thought of them hurting her quickly trumped any selfish feelings I could have even mustered.

I'd give my life on an endless loop if it meant protecting my little sister. If it meant protecting my pack.

It was the last thing my mother had asked for me, and I planned to keep that dying wish.

There was no time for one of my brilliant schemes that would unquestionably get us both out of this Alive. Only half of my warriors were in fighting shape at this point.

My beta had almost lost her life trying to protect Lina, and I would be damned if I asked anyone else to give there life's for mine.

There was only one person who could save Lina and that was me.

Tomorrow I would question there beta, torture him if I had too, and find out everything about him and his pack before he led me to where this sick fuck was hiding.

If these were going to be my last days on this fucked up earth, I'd use my time protecting the people I loved, and raising hell on the way.

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