"Even before you came working with us you still haven't unpacked your things?" Louis asks as he looked at the unpacked boxes that were around his area.

"I told you I haven't yet." Harry rolled his eyes as he made his way easily into the kitchen as Louis tried to keep up and make sure he wasn't bump into anything, but it only went the way he didn't as he pushed his way through all Harry's boxes.

"I swear how can you get through to every room with boxes everywhere?"

"Better then you I can see." Harry spoke looking at Louis who was only half way in the living room and soon he glared at him and shaking is head.

"Well you should start unpacking then if you see me having trouble moving myself around your place." He spoke as he pushed his way through the small opening that he finally made into the kitchen.

"Well, I will when I get to it." Harry mumbles as he went towards his own fridge and looked in it and sighed.

"What's wrong don't have any food we can eat? You know we could've went to my place you know." Louis says and crosses his arms.

"Well I like my own place." Harry spoke as he closed the fridge. "And yes we should maybe go to yours because I realized I haven't bought anything for my fridge yet." Harry spoke as he walked past Louis and back in the living room and towards the front door.

Louis looked at Harry is disbelief and shook his head while crossing his arms as Harry turned back towards Louis watching him. He only chuckled and waved an arm over motioning him to come over.

"You've been here for how long? Almost a month, you should have at least unpacked most of your stuff." Louis spoke.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Well you wanted to try and get more information if I can remember. And we haven't yet. You had me work too hard." Harry said. "Now come on."

"I'm not leaving. Plus have you seen me trying get through that maze? I mean it took me longer then you to get over here and back." Louis spoke shaking his head.

"What are you going to do? Stay over there for your rest of your life?" Harry asks raising his eyebrow.

"No. I'm going to do what you don't want to do for we can get to work." Louis spoke as he walked towards the boxes.

"Louis please, I'm hungry, we need to get to work and all you want to do is unpack?" Harry raised his eyebrow at him.

"Call up for pizza. If you want to help me work then we should start unpacking. If not say bye in helping me." Louis glared at Harry making him glare back at him.

"This is my house, you do know that right?"

"I can care less about that. Either we do this or say bye bye to your job."

"You can't fire me Tomlinson!" Harry glared at Louis who glared back and raised an eyebrow towards him.

Harry didn't know Louis so he wasn't sure if he could actually do that at all, but he didn't care it was his house. To Louis he hated everything all cluttered so once he seen how his house actually was he actually wants to unclutter it. Plus he doesn't want to go back through that room again.

"Oh watch me Styles." Louis spoke.

Harry didn't know how, but after a while they did end up starting to unpack his things. After at least half an hour of arguing of Louis wanting to stay and Harry wanting to go they ended up both flopping down on his couch and sighed as they both were exhausted from unpacking.

"I swear, how did you pack everything you have?" Louis asks with his eyes closed and his hand covering his eyes as well not knowing how long it took.

"I swear it wasn't that much." Harry mumbled as he turned his head to a tired Louis.

He soon moved his head around the room as he sees all the boxes compressed into flat and in the corner at the moment. He scanned through the room and seeing all his stuff where he knew it was back at his old place. To him it felt like home again but now unpacked.

"How many room do you have to unpack?" Louis turned his head towards Harry who cracked his eyes opened at him. Harry glanced over and shrugged.

"Room is unpacked. Kitchen....well have no food. It's whatever time at night and I'm starving." Harry spoke as he stomach agreed in the process making Louis stare at him before agreeing with him.

"Call pizza. Or mater in fact Call Niall and tell him to get pizza for us." Louis spoke looking for his phone, as he didn't find it in his pocket.

"I don't have his number. Let me see your phone." Harry spoke.

"I have no idea where it is." Louis mumbled. Harry groans and leans back in the seat closing his eyes as both their stomachs started to growl loudly.

"Let me see your phone." He spoke again holding his hand out towards him. Harry sighs as he took out his phone and tossed it towards Louis and headed around looking for Louis' phone.

"Thanks." Louis spoke as he looked at his phone and dialed Niall's number.


"So...how long as it been?" Louis asks as he tried to stay concentrated on the case that was in front of him.

"Thirty minutes." Harry spoke and sat at the kitchen table and scanned through the notes that were on his table.

"I don't know anything about this now." Louis mumbles and run his hand through his hair. "I mean. If it is what we think it is, then what we thought before on what we think it was could be different then what we are thinking now."

Harry looked at him for a minute in confusion and shook his head not knowing what to say to him. Louis looked back at him giving him a weird look.

"What?" Louis asks kinda uncomfortable.

"I have no idea what you just said." Harry spoke and shrugged.

"I can repeat it if you want me too." Louis spoke raising his eyebrow at him.

"No, no. I don't want to hear the confusion again." Harry spoke waving his hand around as he started though a random paper that was in front of him.

"Anyway...it's been a month since the last killing...and so far, we have one clue in who could be doing this." Louis spoke as he looked through the killing list.

"Why do you say that?" Harry asks

"I'm just trying to make a point at the moment." Louis spoke not knowing what to say.

"I can tell that you are." Louis heard. He kept his head down as he looked at the papers.

"That's a nice impersonation of Niall, Harry." Louis spoke.

"That's not me Louis, that's Niall." Louis looked up towards him.

"Yeah, that would be me. Got the pizza too."

"Great. Now let's eat." Louis spoke throwing the papers back on the table looking at them. 


Long wait. I'm sorry for that, but here it is!! School been own for a while now, been busy with family stuff and doctor appointment...but I'm finally back!! yay!!!

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