2: New Partner

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It’s now noon and Louis has been sitting in the diner for at least fifteen minutes. He doesn’t like to be kept waiting. He never does. The weather outside was cloudy. It always has been ever since the first murderer. It never shined anymore. It was like a witch cursed this town and now we never seen the sun. It was always cloudy most days raining, but mainly cloudy and musky of rain.

Louis picked at the fork at the table he was sitting at in his hands. He was more focus on the fork then any noise from the other customers that talked over everyone else making the noise around him louder. He hates all the noise. He always loved the quiet and nothing more. He could stand most talking, but when the noise is in the air he hates it.

He slowly started to loose his patience, he remembered his boss saying lunch, at eleven thirty. Louis checked his phone that was lingering on the table seeing it was twelve ten. He was about to get up and head out and go yell at Liam for telling him this that his partner wants to have lunch here at this place.

Dropping the fork back on the table he ran his hands through his hair and groans. He could be sleeping still and thinking what to start up on for both him and his partner. He was about to get up still he heard shuffling in front of him. His eyes dart up seeing a boy in front of him. He raised his eyebrow at him as he took his jacket off.

All black. Louis thought. He didn’t get into what fully he was wearing he seen the boy take the beanie off his head showing he rough curls flowing down towards his face. Brushing them out of the way he could hear him slightly pant.

He must’ve been in a hurry because he was late. Louis watched him as he gradually take a seat down on the table. He shook his head and Louis just watched him, his partner in front of him wondering what was his explanation for being late.

“You’re late.” Louis spat out at him, which made the boy taking a deep breath and glancing up at him and nods towards him.

“I-I’m sorry sir. Mr. Payne wanted to speak to me at the last minute and kept me for quiet a while.” He explained to him. Louis leaned back in his chair and cursed under his breath.

“Just remember one thing.” Louis started staring at him.

“And that is?” He asks gazing up having his green eyes meeting Louis’ blue ones.

“I hate to wait.” He says as he took a drink of his tea he ordered a while ago. He placed the cup down and his body relaxed. He knew he had to remind even Mr. Payne he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.

“Oh! Sorry, Styles, sir. Harry Styles.” Harry said gazing up at him and holds out his hand. Louis took it and they shook as Louis kept his eye contact to him, which made Harry get chills down his back.

“Tomlinson, Louis Tomlinson, Mr. Styles.” Louis nods at him. Harry nods slightly showing a shy smile towards him.

“How old are you?” Louis asks him as he leans in his chair again and watches Harry biting his lip in nervousness. He was scanning his features, his greens eyes, even the locks of his hair was catching his eye.

“Uhm…nineteen sir.” Harry said still a bit scared. Watching Louis he could see he didn’t like that he came late. Other then he telling him that he doesn’t like to be kept waiting Harry new so far he wasn’t showing a good side of him at the moment.

The first glance Harry made towards him wanted him to go over board and go back to his family again. Harry gazed towards the table and takes a deep breath. This is what he wanted. Mr. Payne officially came to him one day at his house and offered the job face to face. Of course he’d say yes. He just didn’t notice how much his partner is.

“Nineteen I see.” Harry bit his lip and gazed up at him wondering what he was thinking. Finally he got a better look from being face to face. He met contact with his blue eyes. Harry waits for him to say anything else.

Harry shifted a bit in his seat as he just waited. Soon a waitress came over taking their order. Louis ordered a coke and a burger. The regular item in the place they’re at. Harry does the same and they soon were left in quiet again. Harry was about to say something to start their conversation Louis finally says something.

“How long have you been a detective?” He asks watching Harry intensely. The look on his face made Harry get shivers over his spine and he sighs and answers back.

“Since I was sixteen. Before you ask…I did go to school.” Harry says looking at Louis expression. Louis stared into Harry’s green eyes, and Harry stared into Louis’. His expression Harry was seeing was hard to know what he was thinking. He wasn’t sure if what he was going to say next was going to be good or bad or even a question he wants to ask him.

Louis let a soft chuckle come from his lips. Harry finally gazed up and watched him.

“Sixteen huh…how many cases did you solve?”

“To many to count sir.” He told him and made Louis laugh. Harry watched wondering what he said to make him laugh.

“I see. Anyway. You had an encounter of any cases that were a life or death?” Louis asks Harry and that only made Harry watching him. The way he said it was something totally different. His voice was more serious and he was eyeing him wanting to know what He was going to say.

“Uh…no.” Harry said as he watched his partner.

“Well. You better keep yourself ready. Because anything could happen.” He spoke right as the food got there. Harry nods and they start eat.

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