Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Unfortunately, a month has passed and Darcel won't be able to enjoy his short vacation anymore. He was now sitting on a moving carriage, looking out the window with a dejected expression while Carsa was on the other side of the seat. His sister was quietly reading documents inside the carriage, aware that her little brother doesn't want to go back to the magic tower.

"It's okay if you don't want to go back." Carsa said, her eyes remained on the documents.

Darcel looked at her and replied, "I have to go back to the magic tower as quickly as possible, sister. The subjugation is in three days."

Carsa immediately removed her attention on the documents and looked at Darcel with a frown, "What? You're planning on joining the subjugation?"

"Well, yes---"

"Turn the carriage back." Carsa cut him off and ordered the coachman.

"Wait! Sister i need to go to the subjugation---"

"No means no." Carsa immediately replied. "You can barely cast magic, yet you want to join? Don't make me laugh."

"Uhh... Lady Carsa..." The two of them heard the coachman spoke so they shifted their attention on him.

Darcel peek his head on the window to see the surroundings, making him heave a breath of relief. On the other hand, Carsa called out to the coachman. "What is it? Is there a problem?"

"Uhm... I apologize if i can't follow your orders, Lady Carsa. We're already at the magic tower..."

While Carsa is in disbelief, Darcel took it as a chance to hurriedly open the carriage door and jump out as he ran towards the entrance of the magic tower. "Mister coachman! Please send my luggage to my room!"

"Hey! Darcel! Stop right there!" He can hear his sister yelling in rage. However, Darcel can't afford to lose this chance to join the subjugation. He needs to know more about his power. Maybe it has a connection on why he was sent here in the first place.

He can see Carsa exiting the carriage and running to chase him from his behind. When Darcel looked forward with a nervous expression, he saw Vietta and
Morris standing at the entrance from afar. Darcel saw a ray of hope in his eyes as he opened his small mouth and shouted like he mean it, "MORRIS! VIETTA! FUCKING HELP MEEEEEEE!"

"Darcel! You better stop running or i'll drag you back to the house!"

"Sister, please!" Darcel cried out. "I want to join the subjugation!"

"I already said no!"

"But i want to! I'm an adult! I can decide on my own!"

"Say that after i saw your corpse lying inside a monster's stomach!""



Morris who was hesitating, couldn't help but to hold out his hand and cast magic to help Darcel. His palm radiated a golden glow, and a magic circle appeared followed by a rectangular barrier appearing in front of Carsa to block her from chasing Darcel.

Morris clapped his hand in bliss. "Heck yeah! Darcel, hurry up before she kills you!"

"Morris, thank you!" Darcel yelled as he tried to sped up his pace. However, his body was originally weak. He can now barely breathe while running like an athlete. Maybe he'll die if he ran faster.

DARCEL | The Night Wizard (Continent Mythosia Series 1)Where stories live. Discover now