2: Call Me

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    As of current time, Camie Utsushimi laid quietly within her dormitory, still clad in her Shiketsu school uniform. She was laid with her face upwards and towards her rooms ceiling whilst she hovered her phone right above her face.

     Izuku Midoriya hadn't texted her...or called...or done anything for the matter.

    It was around an hour and a half since the licensing exams took part, and even though she'd mostly gotten stuck looking after kids, to which she didn't mind since she adores the younglings, she was also filled with a brand new sense of confidence. Upon the very moment she met Izuku, she sore that she was in love because after she felt every adorable, cute, and overall soft physical feature his face had to offer, she became a new Camie for the straight hour of the exam. She even lucked out a bit as well since while Midoriya wasn't JOINING her in the exam, he was still SPECTATING within the many seats of it's stadium.

    Thankfully he wasn't hard to miss since she already got familiar with his face and hair color, so despite him being a whole Mt. Lady's worth away, she managed to spot him sitting cutely in some of the front row seats. Even though Gang Orca was acting like a drill sergeant right in front of her, she couldn't help but wave at the boy from afar, and then stretch put her thumb and pinky whilst she yelled for him to call her.

    She was immediately thrown aside by the short-tempered hero as she, 'lacked discipline'. Camie was unable to see or here his reaction due to the air, as well as the heroes loud voice, rushed passed her ears as she was being chucked like a discus.

    Strangely, whilst she was aiding her peers, also known as Todoroki, Bakugou, and Yaoroshi, entertain the kids, she sent a view gazes up at the boy. What was strange, you ask? Well, as he watched from afar, he seemed to have this new air around him; it was more bubbly, sparkly, just overall more energetic. That, and he seemed to have been speaking to All Might a lot as he seemed to be writing something down in some sketchbook. However once he noticed she was looking at him, he would hide behind his side sketchbook, and/ or look away.

    Now she wasn't the type to feel offended by something like this, and she wasn't; she was weirded out. Did he not like her? It didn't seem like that, more or less he seemed flustered, or almost uncomfortable in a sense, but she didn't know why. Was there something in her teeth? Did her hero suit's zipper come undone again? What was happening?

    Something else that she noticed, when she first sent a look up at him as she was once again going to tell him to add her contact, was he held a look of perplexation, like he was confused at what he was seeing her do. It kinda weirded her out since she's usually used to looks of wow, horniness, fear and terror, and the all too popular confusion before realization, but seeing someone puzzled by her quirk? That was new for her honestly.

    Ustsushimi shrugged this off as him probably trying to understand what her quirk does; she'd been asked about it a few times and how it worked so maybe it was that. She also kinda boggled his awkward tendency to look away as him just being shy.

     Camie tried to talk to him once more once all of the students were done for the day however her class president held the need to scold her like usual for her actions during the exam. For one her undisciplined act of telling a boy, in the middle of the exam, to call her, for fighting children, and something else about almost seducing one as well? Due to his meddling, she missed her chance to actually be able to talk with Midoriya since he and his friends left.

     Hence why she was where she was now. 

    After meeting the green haired boy, adoring all of his physical features, and handing him her number, she hoped, actually scratch that, expected that he'd have sent her a message by now; all the others have after all. But despite her checking her notifications each and every millisecond, she was still met with nothing within her mail, even now whilst she gazed up at the contacts screen.

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