3: Frozen Delight

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    Izuku stood at the spot that was agreed upon by Camie; it was quite the ways away from the dorms, but he had no trouble getting there. The place was a plaza of some sorts, for he'd never really been there before. It was, however, packed to the brim with lots of people.

     Large populated areas always made him fee uneasy, more so earlier in the year when he was far more shy. Whether it was due to how loud the noises were, or how cramped it could feel sometimes, he never could tolerate heavily populated areas like this; and he lived in the biggest city in Japan, that should give ya scale of how packed this place was. To keep himself from feeling to uncomfortable, he slunked into a corner of the area as he looked for the fawn haired girl.

It didn't help that he felt a little like a sore thumb in the crowd due to his attire. He bore his All Might featured zip-up hoodie with a white T-shirt beneath it, so that was one thing. The other thing was that despite him wearing black cargo pants, his red shoes were basically turned into a beacon due to how severe the change in tint between the two hues. Not to mention his green hair that which the sun was sending golden rays down to specifically.

A sore thumb indeed.

     He'd arrived around ten minutes earlier than her suggested time, nearing around noon, and had been patiently waiting for her for around fifteen minutes. Apart of him felt nervous in that he should probably message her to see if she was arriving, but that could make him seem desperate, and girls hate desperate people. He also felt scared that she was simply going to no show him, or worse...she caught a cold. Yet another part of him feared that the second he would leave she'd turn up two seconds later and he'd miss seeing her.

    He gave in to the latter, so the green haired boy waited longer. And longer. And longer. And longer...And longer.

     Eventually he sighed, perhaps she really did just ghost him, or caught a cold. It was oh well one might guess, after all who would honestly wish to hangout with him?

    He turned one direction, and was about to make his exit, but then suddenly someone leaped onto his back; they begun to strangle his neck with their arms. His mind went into panic mode as he immediately reached back at their forearms, and had thrown the person over his shoulder out of pure muscle memory and was about to throw them down to the ground...had he not noticed who it was last minute.

     As you might have guessed, it was Camie, whom said with hyper little chuckle as she squeezed his neck, completely undeterred by the fact she almost got slammed to the ground, "Gotcha!!".

     "U-Utsushimi-San?! Whuh-What were you doing?! Why where you clinging on to my neck like that?", he exclaimed while careful setting her down on her feet.

     "Whoa, thats totes a bit nauseating...", she stated after her bodily finally set its organs back into place. Shaking her face she then said way too calmly, "Oof, my brain is tellin me that I shouldn't have done that...but I ain't listenin throw me again!".

      Obviously not listening to what she said, the shy boy still worried over her condition, "Ag-Are you hurt? I-I didn't mean to thruh-throw you like that my muscle memory j-just kinda kicked in and-".

     Camie cut him off by giving a wave of the hand and a chill attitude saying, "Is cool, is cool, nothin feels like its outta place, nor does it feel, like, sprained or summin, so we good.",

   He gave a sigh of relief, deep and loud enough for the world to hear it, "Thank goodness, I-I'm so sorry about that, Utsushimi-San...But, why'd you do that? Wh-Why did you sneak up on me like that?".

    A quirky sway of her hips as she hod her hands behind her back whilst the gal spoke out, "I was just messin with you dude. My bad if I freaked you out there, lol.".

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