5: What Friends Do

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    Uraraka took each step she leaned forward against with a sense of pride in herself; one couldn't blame her for feeling such pride considering what she did. 

    If you, dear reader, remember she acted as a shining beacon of light for her green haired friend whom ever since he first sat down in class was berated by all who sat near him. Saving our protagonist in his time of need, a time when he was at his most vulnerable, and during a state that he seemed...more or less down in the dumps; that last part she...could barely blame him in all honesty. It wasn't that he was scared of social interactions, no that whole phase of his went away a long time ago last she remembered, no it was rather the context if you remember.

    One way or another, when the topic of rather lewd material is to be mentioned there can be assurance that Izuku Midoriya will be red in the face. And she managed to prevent that, maintaining that shining beacon of light she mentioned...

    Well, at least she did her best to be said shining beacon of light because in reality she didn't really do what she considered much to be honest. All she really did was sort of police people around, put the occasional overstepping classmate in what she called 'air jail' which was self explanatory, and imploring the help of some of the girls to help rein people in. 

     Despite her efforts, there was little she could honestly do to keep the curious minds of young teenagers at bay when it came to their classmate and a rather promiscuous sounding situation he was related to. In truth it was really just Sero, Kaminari, Mineta, Kirishima, and Mina whom really wouldn't shut up about it the entirety of the way through.

      Sero, Kaminari, and Mineta were just unable to move on from it, each in their own way. Mina just used it as fuel for her addiction of teasing the poor boy...And Kirishima? Well...he's just too dense to really understand that the whole topic was embarrassing for her green haired friend. All in all everyone else in the class either ignored, or kind of just gossiped about it under either the whispers of mice or chirps of sparrows. 

    Thankfully he didn't seem to bothered by it after a while, and more or less mentally drained by it, but then again that was kind of how he seemed a lot like recently. She wasn't entirely sure; he's been sort of like an enigma code as of late. One moment he's very quiet, staring off more than usual, and kinda down in the dumps, and then the next he's back to his nerdy, sheepish, and rather cute self at the flip of a dime.

     It wasn't her place to pry she thought.

     Though even she had to say that the topic spoken of between Izuku and his class did also strain some intrigue from her heart. It wasn't the context of his story, nor the prequel and whether or not he was telling the truth; she knew above anyone else he'd never tell a lie along the lines of this sort of stuff...but rather...it was the girl he spoke of.

     This Camie Utsushimi...she kind of remembers her from the license exam, but mostly remembers her as a psychotic, shape shifting, naked acrobatic girl rather to the more laid back, sociable, and hangloose kinda gal Midoriya's been talking about. She was so strange for Ochako, like, just the stories alone kinda set an odd image for the chick. That paired with her suddenly wanting to be friends with him out of nowhere, even after he told her what he saw of her, physically in his meaning.

     And then there was the whole thing about what she could do with her quirk, how she was knocked out somehow and slept for a few days, and then her just being FINE with all that had happened between the green haired boy and the fawn haired girl. To say the least Uraraka was suspicious to an extent, and so was a lot of class 1-A; primarily it was the big thinkers that were, namely Ida, Momo, Shoto, and Jiro. One could say that after their extensive interaction with villains, many of class 1-A have kind of adhered to the old saying of 'fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me'.

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